What is the cost of our family wizard?

What is the cost of our family wizard?

$99 per parent per year

What is family wizard?

Our Family Wizard (OFW) is a mobile application for co-parenting exes that facilitates and tracks communication, helps coordinate child duties and stores important information. The app includes a shared calendar, messaging component (with a “read” stamp), school and medical information and an expense log.

Can only one parent use our family wizard?

Each parent activates their own subscription on OurFamilyWizard®, giving them equal access to our complete suite of features plus free accounts for children, stepparents, and other family members. With our 30-day money back guarantee, co-parents can get to know OurFamilyWizard® risk-free.

How do I co parent with my ex?

How to Be a Great Co-Parent With an Ex (When You Still Have Feelings)

  1. Take Time to Heal.
  2. What Does Effective Co-Parenting Look Like?
  3. Boundaries Are Essential.
  4. Remember That You’re Family.
  5. Communicate as a Team.
  6. Be Flexible and Accessible.
  7. Navigate Conversations With Your Child Carefully.
  8. Find a Support Network.

What are good questions to ask your parents?

Questions to Ask Your Parents Right Now

  • How did you meet Mom/Dad?
  • What’s the hardest thing about raising children?
  • Tell me about the day I was born.
  • What did you want to be when you were growing up?
  • If you could change one thing about your life what would it be and why?
  • What is one thing you know to be true?

What are some good interview questions to ask your parents?

Important questions you should ask your parents:

  • What was your childhood like?
  • What were you like in high school?
  • How would your parents have described you?
  • When you think about a fork in the road in your life, what was it and why did you choose that particular path?
  • What happy memory will you cherish forever?

What’s the most random question?

Random Questions

  • When is the last time you experienced nostalgia?
  • What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had?
  • What’s the weirdest thought you’ve ever had?
  • What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “fidget”?
  • What made-up word would you incorporate into the English language if you could?

How do you ask family questions?

These are sure to get your relatives talking!

  1. Do you share a name with someone else in the family?
  2. Did you have a nickname growing up?
  3. Have you had a nickname as an adult?
  4. When and where were you born?
  5. What was your parents’ and grandparents’ religion?
  6. Do you follow a religion?
  7. Where was your first house?

How do I ask my parents a difficult question?

10 Tough Questions to Ask Your Parents

  1. Is there anything about the house we could change to make it easier for you day to day?
  2. Are the stairs still doable, or would one level be better?
  3. How many prescriptions are you taking?
  4. Do you have any trouble reading your medication containers?
  5. Do you do OK remembering to take your medicine or could you use help?

How do I not talk to my parents?

Give short, noncommittal answers to any questions they ask. If they ask if you want dinner or if you’ll go somewhere with them, say no politely. Break or bend this rule if they’re asking questions that might lead to reconciliation. Listen before you respond.

Is it OK to not talk to your mother?

Most people have a good relationship with their mother, but some children have a mother that makes them feel inadequate, worthless, or like they did something horrible in life. You may even ask, “is it okay to stop talking to my toxic mother?” The answer, in short, is yes.

How do you stop being a toxic mother?

10 tips to free yourself from toxic parents

  1. Stop trying to please them.
  2. Set and enforce boundaries.
  3. Don’t try to change them.
  4. Be mindful of what you share with them.
  5. Know your parents’ limitations and work around them — but only if you want to.
  6. Always have an exit strategy.

How do you talk to a toxic mother?

5 Ways to Approach Your Toxic Parents

  1. Find your calm. Step outside first if you must.
  2. Don’t point fingers or compare and contrast. This will only cause the both of you to talk at each other, not with each other.
  3. Be honest and tell them what you need from them.
  4. Just hold them.
  5. Demonstrate the love and support you’ve always wanted from them.

How do you annoy your mom?

Use bad grammar and don’t stop even after your parents correct it. Call your parents by their first names, instead of “mom” and “dad.” Pretend that you are deaf in one ear and constantly yell “What?” or “Talk louder, I can’t hear you!” Talk in a different accent, or just jabber at them in a made up language.

How do you know if your mom is toxic?

Signs You Were Raised by Toxic Parents

  1. Their feelings always came before yours.
  2. They didn’t recognize your boundaries.
  3. They controlled you using guilt.
  4. They demanded your attention.
  5. They didn’t talk to you.
  6. They took away their love.
  7. They were overly critical.
  8. They competed with you.