What is the difference between a divorce lawyer and attorney?

What is the difference between a divorce lawyer and attorney?

Divorce is actually a subset of family law. A divorce lawyer is a family law lawyer who does divorce. Most attorneys who practice family law handle divorce, and divorce is usually the primary or main subset of work that a family law attorney does, but a family law attorney usually does more than divorce.

What can I expect at my first divorce lawyer?

What to Expect From Your First Meeting: During your initial consultation with a matrimonial attorney, expect the attorney to provide you with an overview of what to anticipate relative to at least the following five issues: (1) the divorce process, (2) matters pertaining to any minor children of the marriage, (3) …

What are the most important questions to ask a divorce attorney?

Ten Questions to Ask a Divorce Attorney

  • Do you specialize in divorces, or are divorces just a part of your practice?
  • What is your strategy for my case?
  • How long do you take to return phone calls?
  • Will anyone else in your office be working on my case?
  • How will you charge me?

What is reasonable to ask for in a divorce?

Things to ask for in a divorce: money and marital property. Assets and debts are equally divided in divorce typically. Life insurance policies in divorce settlement. Long-term care insurance in divorce settlement.

What is a fair amount of alimony?

The guideline states that the paying spouse’s support be presumptively 40% of his or her net monthly income, reduced by one-half of the receiving spouse’s net monthly income. If child support is an issue, spousal support is calculated after child support is calculated.

What are my legal rights as a wife?

Your Marital Rights Marital rights can vary from state to state, however, most states recognize the following spousal rights: ability to open joint bank accounts. ability to file joint federal and state tax returns. right to receive “marriage” or “family rate” on health, car and/or liability insurance.

What is the duties of a wife & husband?

As a wife, she is expected to serve her husband, preparing food, clothing and other personal needs. As a mother, she has to take care of the children and their needs, including education.