What is the divorce process in Connecticut?

What is the divorce process in Connecticut?

In Connecticut, the Divorce Complaint and Notice of Automatic Court Orders must be accompanied by a Summons. As with the other two forms, the Summons is filed with the State of Connecticut Superior Court. This document is a notice to the Defendant spouse that the Plaintiff spouse is filing for divorce.

How much is divorce in CT?

The average cost of a divorce in Connecticut is about $15,500, but varies from a range of about $5000 to $34,000. The major issues that drive the cost of divorce up? Having minor children, alimony issues, or property division issues.

How long do you have to be married in CT to get alimony?

Alimony length is usually based on length of marriage – one commonly used standard for alimony duration is that 1 year of alimony is paid every three years of marriage (however, this is not always the case in every state or with every judge).

Can you buy a house in the middle of a divorce?

Even in non-community property states, the purchase of a new home in the middle of a divorce might be considered a marital asset. If you purchase a home during a divorce and the opposing party doesn’t sign away their right to ownership, the court may view it as an asset during the divorce

Is it illegal to hide assets from your spouse?

Hiding assets in a divorce is illegal Because California is a community property state, there are very few assets that are not split unless they were yours before you were married or you have a prenuptial agreement in place. Examples of joint or shared assets include: Properties, including rental properties

How do I find hidden money in a divorce?

However, divorcing spouses in all states can use powerful legal tools, called “discovery,” to help them find hidden income and other assets (discovery is explained in detail below). The first step in dividing assets during a divorce is to create a complete financial picture of all of the assets owned by each spouse.

What should I do with money before divorce?

Financial Steps to Take Before Getting a Divorce

  1. Get organized.
  2. Think about Social Security.
  3. Think about financial commitments that you both are planning on making.
  4. Apply for a credit card in your own name.
  5. Think about how much the divorce will cost.
  6. Continually monitor your expenses.
  7. Document use of marital funds.

Can I spend money during a divorce?

Inappropriate spending by a spouse during divorce is known legally as “dissipation” of marital assets. In some courts, if you plan to claim dissipation you must file advance notice with the court