What is the fastest cps in 1 second?

What is the fastest cps in 1 second?

Do you know the world record for most clicks in 1 second? It’s 16 CPS. Challenge yourself to beat it.

What is the highest rank in CPS test?


What is the average CPS in 5 seconds?

According to the modern 2020 inform, the world record of the average clicks speed is 22. You can create a record by yourself by applying some tricks and hacks for clicking in 5 seconds.

What is the average CPS?


What is the highest cps in 5 seconds?

15.4 CPS

How many CPS does Technoblade get?

9-11 cps

Is jitter clicking bad?

No, it’s a myth, it might feel weird the first few times, but I jitter click a lot when I’m bored, and it stopped being uncomfortable after I did it a few times. People actually tense up their arms as yoga/exercise and stuff.

What’s jitter clicking?

Jitter clicking is just clicking your mouse as fast as you can with one finger, usually your index finger. Butterfly clicking is clicking your mouse as fast as you can with two fingers, usually your index finger and your middle finger, and therefore gives you a higher clicks per second if done properly.

Does CPS really matter in Minecraft?

Yes, it is not the most important factor but it does in fact matter.

Does CPS matter in Bedwars?

It definitely matters during bridging, as clicking fast with accuracy can either be easier or harder than timing bridging placements.

What is a good Minecraft CPS?

It usually would start at about 3-6 clicks a second but some people can get as high as 7 or even 9 doing it. A pro of this method is that it’s pretty easy to keep good aim, con is that it’s hard to get high cps, usually you would only have average clicks per second.

Does CPS matter in PVP?

Minecraft PvP Quick Clicking Firstly, Click Speed DOES MATTER. The battles of Minecraft PvP highly depend on the accuracy of your aim and the combos you hit. At a slower clicking speed of 3-4 CPS, your hits will not be converted to combos and chances are you may never win.

Does CPS matter in 1.8 PVP?

Your attacks register faster and you will usually land more hits. But something really important to say, cps is not everything on 1.8 pvp, if your aim, sprint reseting, strafing and projectile hitting are great and cps is like 5, you’ll still can be really good at pvp.

Does Stimpy jitter click?

Now, stimpy doesn’t jitter and manages to get 10cps. The thing that affects the majority of pvp is aim and potting skills. Try butterfly clicking and not getting caught, like me.

How fast can you jitter click?

Jitter-clicking can hurt your arm, wrist, hand, and fingers over a long period of time. Try not to jitter for over 15 – 30 seconds. It can seriously damage your hand.

Is butterfly Clicking allowed on Hypixel?

Double clicking/macros are bannable on Hypixel. The types of clicking such as butterfly clicking are used at your own discretion. Having 20+ cps can trigger watchdog and lead to a false ban so it is best to make sure that your cps is under 15 to be safe when butterfly clicking.

Who can click the fastest?

How fast can you click? You can click your mouse as fast as 142 Clicks in 10 seconds. According to the well-known website Recordsetter, Dylan Allred from Las Vegas holds the world record for the most number of clicks in 10 seconds.

Can jitter clicking give you arthritis?

Dedicated Member. It can cause repetitive stress injuries, not arthritis.

Can you butterfly click without double click?

Also, servers don’t disallow butterfly clicking, they disallow double clicks. If you butterfly without double clicking you can still get like 12cps and it’s basically just really fast normal clicking (and rather useful).

Can drag clicking break your mouse?

Yes, drag clicking will damage and shorten the lifespan of your mouse.

Can you get banned for butterfly clicking?

Technically, you can get banned by any clicking method. Butterfly clicking is not as insane in CPS as drag clicking, so you should be fine.

Is Double click allowed in Hypixel?

Active Member Double clicking is allowed so long as it is hardware (your mouse) and not software contrived (macro).

Is Double clicking banned on Hypixel?

Member. isfd said: no. double clicking is an autoclicker.

Can the model o Wireless double click?

Model o wireless doesn’t double click.

Is Drag clicking Bannable?

Drag-clicking is not against the rules, but you will get banned for using it if you LMB drag click on someone (or if you drag click on your attack key-bind).