What is the legal age for a child to decide which parent to live with in New York?

What is the legal age for a child to decide which parent to live with in New York?

Will the court consider a child’s preference? Whether a child is 3, 7, or 17, their preference is always important, however, once a child reaches the age of 13, the child’s wishes will be given more weight.

Why does my son cry when he sees his dad?

It is a normal response that your son is demonstrating especially if you have no other concerns about his dad’s parenting. I’m sure other members will be along soon to share their experiences with this issue so do keep talking with us

What triggers an IRS audit?

You Claimed a Lot of Itemized Deductions It can trigger an audit if you’re spending and claiming tax deductions for a significant portion of your income. This trigger typically comes into play when taxpayers ​itemize.

Can you go to jail for doing taxes wrong?

You cannot go to jail for making a mistake or filing your tax return incorrectly. However, if your taxes are wrong by design and you intentionally leave off items that should be included, the IRS can look at that action as fraudulent, and a criminal suit can be instituted against you.

Does the IRS randomly selected for review?

It is also worth mentioning that the IRS randomly selects a small percentage of tax returns to review. The IRS compares these returns to a sample of “normal” returns in order to see if there are any discrepancies

Do paper tax returns get audited more?

Returns with high scores are more likely to get pulled for an audit than those with low scores. There is no indication that the process you use for filing a return, be it filing electronically or paper filing, impacts your chances of being audited.

Is being audited bad?

Audits can be bad and can result in a significant tax bill. But remember – you shouldn’t panic. There are different kinds of audits, some minor and some extensive, and they all follow a set of defined rules. If you know what to expect and follow a few best practices, your audit may turn out to be “not so bad.”

Are you more likely to get audited if you file electronically?

The IRS maintains that filing returns electronically can prevent mistakes and lower the odds of an audit. The error rate for a paper return is 21%. The error rate for returns filed electronically is 0.5%.