What is the maximum percentage of child support in Wisconsin?

What is the maximum percentage of child support in Wisconsin?

25% of income for 2 children. 29% of income for 3 children. 31% of income for 4 children. 34% of income for 5 or more children.

How is child support calculated in Wisconsin shared placement?

The amount of child support that you will pay is determined by how many overnights the children spend at each parent’s home throughout the year. For parents who have less than 25 percent placement, child support is based on the following percentages of gross income: 17% for one child. 25% for 2 children.

At what age can a child refuse visitation in Wisconsin?

At what age can a child refuse visitation in Wisconsin? In Wisconsin, children cannot dictate where they reside but the courts may take the child’s preference into consideration at about age 14 or when the child can articulate a preference and a reason for the preference.

Is child support mandatory in Wisconsin?

Whether you’re seeking payments, or concerned about your obligation to pay, it’s important to know that both parents must financially support their child. In Wisconsin, a court can order one or both parents to pay necessary or reasonable child support.

Can you waive child support in Wisconsin?

— In Wisconsin, child support can never be waived. If neither parent is paying child support, that is considered a “hold open” of support.

How long is child support paid in Wisconsin?

Under Wisconsin law, a parent’s duty to support his or her child continues until the child turns 18, or age 19 if the child is still enrolled in high school or working on a high school equivalency course (GED). If past-due support is owed, the child support case is still enforceable.

How often can child support be modified in Wisconsin?

The child support agency may do a review more often than every three years if there has been a substantial change in circumstances, and a written request is made to the agency.

How do I get my child support lowered in Wisconsin?

Only a court can change a child support order. Options to modify an order for support are as follows: If both parents can agree to a new payment amount, they may file a Stipulation and Order to Amend Judgment form with the local County Clerk of Court’s office. There is no filing fee for this type of request.

How does marriage affect child support in Wisconsin?

Parents have an obligation to support their children financially. Wisconsin law provides that a parent’s support obligation is a percentage of each parent’s assets and gross income. However, remarriage by itself is insufficient because the new spouse has no obligation to support children from a prior marriage.

What is joint custody in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, joint custody means the condition under which both parties share legal custody and where neither parent’s legal custody rights are superior. The parties are required to consult and attempt to reach agreement with respect to major decisions affecting the lives of the minor children.

What is a typical joint custody schedule?

Common joint physical custody schedules Two weeks each schedule when the child lives with one parent for two weeks and the other parent the next two weeks. 2-2-3 schedule where the child lives with one parent for two days, the other parent for two days and the parents alternate a three day weekend.