What is the opposite of conflicting?

What is the opposite of conflicting?

What is the opposite of conflicting?

harmonious agreeing
concordant congruent
consonant nonconflicting
similar agreeable
peaceful unopposing

What’s another word for conflicting?

What is another word for conflicting?

incompatible contradictory
clashing contrary
inconsistent incongruous
different opposite
opposed discordant

What is the meaning of conflicting?

: being in conflict, collision, or opposition : incompatible conflicting theories.

What is the opposite of opposing side?

diametric. (or diametrical), irreconcilable, opposite.

What’s another word for mixed emotions?

What is another word for mixed feelings?

equivocal undecided
ambivalent indecisive
conflicted unsure
uncommitted non-committal
mixed emotions uncertain

What is a fancy word for SAD?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

What is a person who hides their feelings called?

Someone who is an introvert (which I am) tends to hide their feelings/thoughts/opinions because they feel insecure and self conscious, before someone says “but I’m an introvert and when I get to know someone I express myself.” That’s not the traits of an introvert but an extroverted introvert or also known as an …

What is the word when you are happy and sad?

While somewhat broader than happy/sad, you could say ambivalent. Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone: Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/228000/a-word-for-feeling-simultaneously-happy-sad/8.

What does melancholy mean?

adjective. Definition of melancholy (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : suggestive or expressive of sadness or depression of mind or spirit sang in a melancholy voice. b : causing or tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit : dismal a melancholy thought. 2a : depressed in spirits : dejected, sad.

Is sappy sad and happy?

The slang term “sappy” means experiencing the emotions of being sad and happy simultaneously, while not knowing which one to be because the emotion overwhelms you. In its slang form, “sappy” can also mean being sickeningly sweet in a romantic sense or extremely lame.

What is a feeling of great pleasure called?

delight. noun. a feeling of great happiness and pleasure.

What can I say instead of pleasure?

What is another word for great pleasure?

joy happiness
triumph ecstasy
felicity elation
enjoyment euphoria
glee cheerfulness

What is the antonyms of pleasure?

pleasure(noun) Antonyms: displeasure, pain. Synonyms: gratification, gladness, want, wish, fancy, discretion, delight, indulgence, happiness, joy, satisfaction, will, desire.

What’s the opposite of pleasure?

What is the opposite of pleasure?

discontent displeasure
obligation pain
sadness sorrow
suffering apathy
blandness chore

What’s the opposite of peaceful?

What is the opposite of peaceful?

noisy boisterous
restless rough
stormy turbulent
unsettled tempestuous
angry inclement

What is opposite of suffering?

feelings of mental or physical pain. Antonyms: untroubled, happy. Synonyms: hurt, injury, distress, detriment, harm, excruciation, damage, agony, trauma, woe, scathe.

What is the opposite of Never?

What is the opposite of never?

always constantly
ceaselessly eternally
ever interminably
permanently repeatedly
unceasingly unfailingly

What is the opposite of no one?

▲ Opposite of not one person. everyone. everybody.

What is the opposite of cry?

Opposite of to shed tears, especially from being emotional. laugh. chortle. chuckle. giggle.

What is opposite of honest?

Opposite Word of honest: “deceptive, devious, dishonest, false, fraudulent, lying, misleading, treacherous, untrustworthy, untruthful”

What is a honest person called?

truthful. adjective. a truthful person says what is true and does not lie.

What is the opposite of thoughtful?

thoughtful. Antonyms: careless, improvident, unthinking, thoughtless, incontemplative, mindless, inconsiderate, regard less, heedless, rash, trifling, wanton, idle, dreamy. Synonyms: careful, provident, contemplative, considerate, anxious, pensive, cogitative, reflective, regardful, mindful, heedful, diligent

What is the negative of honest?

“My husband is rarely dishonest with me about his whereabouts.”…What is the opposite of honest?

dishonest untruthful
insincere deceitful
deceptive disingenuous
uncandid dissembling
unforthcoming devious