What president died on his birthday?

What president died on his birthday?

Perhaps the most coincidental events in U.S. history are the deaths of Thomas Jefferson (3rd president) and John Adams (2nd). They died on the same day, in the same year, and on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence—July 4, 1826.

Why dying is illegal in Longyearbyen Norway?

Contrary to popular beliefs, it is not illegal to die in the town of Longyearbyen, Norway. This is because the bodies of town members who died during the 1918 flu pandemic have not decomposed due to the permafrost, and there are concerns that the bodies still contain active strains of the virus.

Is it illegal to die in Italy?

Since March 2012 it has been illegal to die in Falciano del Massico.

Why is it illegal to die in parliament?

The Parliament building is owned by the Monarch so would qualify as such. It’s illegal because the Houses of Parliament are in a royal palace – the Palace of Westminster. It is considered to be high treason to die ‘on the verge’ of a royal palace unless you happen to be the Sovereign.

Is Svalbard dangerous?

The most common dangers on Svalbard include: Polar bears: There is a very real risk of running into one of Svalbard’s few thousand polar bears outside the settlements. Avalanches: Climate change is causing an increase in the number of avalanches throughout the archipelago.

How expensive is Svalbard?

Yep, Svalbard is expensive. But if you don’t include our flights, it was $93.53 per person per day, which really isn’t SO terrible. Our free accommodation was HUGE. Hotels in Svalbard aren’t cheap, especially if you don’t want to share a bathroom.

Has a polar bear ever killed a human?

Polar bears particularly starving adult males will hunt humans for food, though attacks on humans by female bears is rare. Between 1870 and 2014, out of 73 recorded polar bear attacks there were 20 human fatalities and 69 injuries.

Do they speak English in Svalbard?

The official language is Norwegian. However, nearly everyone speaks English. In Barentsburg Russian and Ukrainian are spoken.

Why is Svalbard so cold?

The climate of Svalbard is principally a result of its latitude, which is between 74° and 81° north. The North Atlantic Current moderates Svalbard’s temperatures, particularly during winter, giving it up to 20 °C (36 °F) higher winter temperature than similar latitudes in continental Russia and Canada.

Does Svalbard have Internet?

The Internet connection in Svalbard is top class, courtesy of NASA renting bulk capacity on undersea fibre optic cables running at seabed to mainland Norway for its experiments. Longyearbyen has several public Internet terminals.

Who lives on Svalbard?

In 2016, Svalbard had a population of 2,667, of which 423 were Russian and Ukrainian, 10 Polish, and 322 non-Norwegians living in Norwegian settlements.