What should I say as a reference for someone?

What should I say as a reference for someone?

Be positive “The highest praise you can give [in a reference check] is saying something like, ‘I would hire this person in a heartbeat. This is a person I want on my team. ‘” Sometimes reference checkers ask about a candidate’s weaknesses or press you to rank the candidate based on other employees.

How do you write a reference letter for a template?

How to use this reference letter format:

  1. Flesh it out. Use one or two sentences to give context to each of your examples.
  2. Be flexible. Use the template as a guide, but write in your own voice and say what you think is important.
  3. Be honest.
  4. Be targeted, if you can.

Can an ex employer give a bad reference?

Employer Defamation: Facts, Falsehoods and Opinions A job-seeker’s chances of landing a job can easily be torpedoed by a bad reference from a former employer. As suggested above, it is only by straying from the truth that a prior employer can make a bad reference illegal.

Can an employer refuse to write a letter of recommendation?

An employer cannot refuse, without just and valid reason or under false pretences, to provide an employee who was fired or who resigned, a letter of recommendation, if such letter has been requested. If there is nothing honestly positive to say about an employee, the employer does not have to embellish the reality.

How do I decline a request for a letter of recommendation?

  1. Keep it Short and Simple. If you don’t know the person well, or what you do know makes you hesitant to risk your reputation by offering a recommendation, let him or her down easy, but keep it brief.
  2. Offer to Help in Other Ways.
  3. Be Honest.
  4. Tell a White Lie.
  5. Focus on the Positive.

Are recommendation letters illegal?

This information is irrelevant to recommendation letters, and it is illegal for employers or administrators to consider it when making hiring or educational decisions. Thus, letter writers should leave it out.

Can a former employer bad mouth you?

If you are a victim of a hostile work environment or discrimination, federal and state laws may protect your right to file a grievance against your employer. If they choose to bad-mouth you as a result of your whistle blowing, they may be violating anti-retaliation laws.

Can an employer tell another employer not to hire you?

As long as it’s truthful, your previous employer can legally disclose anything about you to a prospective employer, including your salary, vacation days you’ve taken, your job duties and times that you’ve received disciplinary counseling for absenteeism and tardiness.