What should I tell the guardian ad litem?

What should I tell the guardian ad litem?

Do tell the GAL about the other parent’s problems, especially things that may cause or have caused the children harm, such as domestic violence against you, or abuse of the children. Simply state your concerns about the other parent. Be as calm and reasonable as possible. Do not attack the other parent personally.

What can a gal do?

In family court, guardian ad litem (or GAL, as they are sometimes referred) is a person who the court appoints to act as an independent investigator and make recommendations as to what solutions would be in the best interests of a child or person with a disability.

How do you become a guardian ad litem in Indiana?

Whether an attorney or not, the Guardian Ad Litem must undergo special training required by Indiana law to become, and act as, a GAL. This includes training in identifying and treating child abuse, as well as training in different stages of childhood development.

How do you become a CASA in Indiana?

To become a CASA volunteer you must be 21 years old and complete:

  1. An online application – CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE APPLICATION.
  2. An informal interview with a CASA staff member.
  3. Criminal background and Child Protective Services checks.
  4. 30 hours of pre-service training (approximately ½ is online, and ½ is in person)

What is a foster child advocate?

The Child Advocate is a Social Worker who specializes in the placement of children into adoptive and foster homes. This involves making sure that the safety and well-being of the child and family is emphasized from placement until the case has been closed.

What is Casa Indiana?

History of Indiana GAL/CASA The local GAL/CASA programs provide trained community volunteers to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court, helping to ensure children’s needs are met while they are in foster care and that these children have a safe and permanent home as quickly as possible.

What does Casa stand for?

Court-appointed special advocate

How do I become a child advocate in Indiana?

Must be at least 21 years old and a high school graduate. Must successfully complete and pass the screening requirements of Child Advocates (including a criminal history check, Child Protective Services (CPS) check and Sex Offender check). Cannot be a licensed foster parent with Marion County wards in your home.

Is it normal for a child to play doctor?

Playing doctor is considered by most child psychologists to be a normal step in childhood development between the ages of approximately three and six years, so long as all parties are willing participants and relatively close in age.

Is it el or la casa?

We use the article El for a masculine noun, and La for a feminine noun. (this is why, when you learn a new noun, you should always write the article next to it – e.g. write ‘la casa’ not just ‘casa’.)

How do you know when to use El la los or las?

Before feminine singular nouns → use la. Before feminine singular nouns starting with stressed a or ha → use el. Before masculine plural nouns → use los. Before feminine plural nouns → use las.