What will Amanda not do if she is Rapunzel?

What will Amanda not do if she is Rapunzel?

She will not let her hair down. She feels that in that tall tower, she would do everything she wants to without anyone nagging her. She also says that she wouldn’t let her hair down unlike Rapunzel. By this, she means to say that she wouldn’t let anyone come inside the tower because she longs to live alone and freely.

What made Amanda sulk and Modi?

Ans. No, Amanda sulks and becomes moody when her mother gives her too many instructions. She does not listen to her mother and didn’t care to follow them but she can’t dare to ignore them either so, she sulks. Parents in their endeavour to make their children well-behaved, give them too many instructions.

What would Amanda do if she were an orphan?

If she were a mermaid, then she wanted to drift slowly on a calm sea where she would be the only inhabitant. She even goes on to imagine if she were an orphan. In that case, she would roam about the street in silence and freedom.

What should Amanda not to do to her shoulders?

Answer: The poet advises Amanda not to bite her nails, not to hunch her shoulders and not to eat chocolate. She advises her to sit straight and take care of her acne. She further advises her to keep herself clean.

What should Amanda not to do her soldiers?

What should Amanda not to do to her soldiers? Ans. She should not hunch her soldiers.

Why is Amanda asked not to eat chocolate?

Answer. Answer: Mother asks Amanda not to eat chocolates because she have acne. Amanda does not want let down her bright hair because she wants to live in peace.

Why Will Amanda not let down her bright hair?

Explanation: Amanda will not let down her bright hair because she is always being nagged by her mother. Rapunzel is free to open her hair and let her bright hair fall from the tower. Amanda wishes to have a life of Rapunzel where no one is there to nag her.

How does Amanda feel?

Answer. She feels irritated and is seeking for peace and tranquility. In the poem she was said to be moody and sulky in nature which is not true, it’s just that she dont like the constantly nagging business of her parents. Hence is is seeking for freedom and is thinking about being a mermaid and orphan child…

What decision does Amanda take about her hair and why?

Question 9: Amanda imagines herself to be Rapunzel, yet would not like to do what all she did. Identify and state the reasons for her decision. Answer: Amanda says it, in the story, Rapunzel lets down her long, beautiful hair to escape with the prince. But Amanda is fascinated by Rapunzel’s life in the tower.

What kind of life did Rapunzel lead?

When she grows into a beautiful teenager with long golden hair, Gothel keeps her in a tower in the middle of woods, that has one room and one window with no way that lets out. 2. She led a peaceful life in a tower in which she was imprisoned by a witch.

What kind of girl is Amanda?

moody girl

Who is addressing Amanda?

poet Robert Klein

Why does the speaker want Amanda to stop sulking?

Mother Finds her Moody: Amanda’s mother asks her not to sulk or feel unhappy any more. She feels that Amanda is always moody and keeps on behaving like that she must stop sulking and feeling unhappy. Otherwise, people will think that Amanda is unhappy because her mother is always nagging at her.

What does the speaker forbid Amanda eat?

Answer. Answer: The speaker forbids her to eat chocolate but the little girl does not even look at the speaker because she does not like this type of restrictions. She considers herself to be Rapunzel and yearns that some prince will come for the sake of her liberty.

What does the speaker tell Amanda in the end what is the speaker afraid of?

What is the speaker afraid of? Ans: The speaker thinks that Amanda is sulking and becoming moody. He thinks that Amanda is always moody. He asks her not to sulk because he is afraid that people will think that he is nagging Amanda.

Why does Amanda want to be an orphan?

Answer. Amanda wants to be an orphan because she wants to live her life alone . She wants a peacefull life . She wants to roam around the street and pattern dust with her bare feet .