When a mother is obsessed with her son?

When a mother is obsessed with her son?

In psychoanalytic theory, the Jocasta complex is the incestuous sexual desire of a mother towards her son.

Why do parents treat their siblings differently?

The more the personalities of siblings differ, the more their parents treat them differently. Another driver of parenting is, of course, a child’s age. But while age and personality play a role in why one child gets more from a parent than another, over and above this are issues of parental stress.

What do you do with an unfair parent?

How to survive a difficult parent

  1. Stay calm. When a horrid parent starts criticising you it can be frightening and infuriating.
  2. Learn to accept your situation.
  3. Don’t retaliate.
  4. Look to your future with hope.
  5. Believe in yourself.
  6. Talk to someone you trust.
  7. Look after yourself.

What is differential parenting?

“Differential parenting”– giving mostly positive feedback to one child while mostly negative feedback to another — has long been linked to negative effects for the targeted child.

What causes parental favoritism?

It may just be that one child is easier to parent and be around than another is. “Often another sibling simply doesn’t have the same needs or struggles, or can become the peacemaker, which can lead to a perceived feeling of favoritism,” Levin said.

How do I stop favoring one child?

How to avoid playing favorites

  1. Accept that you are human and that one child may reach you in a way that others don’t.
  2. Listen to others who might be trying to tell you that you favor one child over another (your child, your spouse).
  3. “Love uniquely, not equally” – Don’t try to love or treat each child equal to the others.

Why do parents target one child?

The targeted child may remind the parent of a trauma he or she experienced, such as rape, or as Egeland noted, their own abuse. Sometimes, parents target a child for abuse because the child is hyperactive, has a disability, or displays personality traits the parent doesn’t like.