When can a marriage be null and void?

When can a marriage be null and void?

The male has not completed the age of 21 years and the female the age of 18 years; The parties are within the degrees of prohibited relationship. Additionally, a marriage can be considered null and void if the respondent was impotent at the time of the marriage and at the time of the institution of the suit.

What does trunk mean?

1a : the main stem of a tree apart from limbs and roots. — called also bole. b(1) : the human or animal body apart from the head, neck, and appendages : torso. (2) : the thorax of an insect.

What has a trunk but is not an elephant?

I have a trunk but I’m not an elephant. What am i? Tree.

What does elephant trunk up mean?

An upward pointed elephant trunk dispenses energy, luck, prosperity and kindness. It is a movement elephants use to greet friends and express sheer delight. To bring compassion and to shower good fortune plae the upward trunk elephant around you. Elephants emit luck, energy, kindness, strength and wisdom.

What does trunk role effect mean?

Trunking allows a group of inlet switches at the same time. Thus the service provider can provide a lesser number of circuits than might otherwise be required, allowing many users to “share” a smaller number of connections and achieve capacity savings.

How does a trunk port work?

A trunk port allows you to send all those signals for each switch or router across a single trunk link. In contrast to an access port, a trunk port must use tagging in order to allow signals to get to the correct endpoint. Trunk ports typically offer higher bandwidth and lower latency than access ports.

What is trunk on human body?

Trunk or torso is an anatomical term for the central part of the human body from which extend the neck and limbs.

What is trunk answer?

Answer: A trunk is a communications line or link designed to carry multiple signals simultaneously to provide network access between two points.Trunk typically connect switching centres in a communications system.

What is trunk and limbs?

The torso or trunk is an anatomical term for the central part, or core, of many animal bodies (including humans) from which extend the neck and limbs. The torso includes: the thoracic segment of the trunk, the abdominal segment of the trunk, and the perineum.

Is buttock considered trunk?

The trunk includes the thorax, often called chest, abdomen, and pelvis….Major Regions of the Trunk.

Region Location
Vertebral Region over the vertebral column
Lumbar Lower back region between the lowest ribs and the pelvis
Sacral Region over the sacrum and between the buttocks
Gluteal The buttocks