Where do you find your GPA on Infinite Campus?

Where do you find your GPA on Infinite Campus?

Select the Menu on the top left corner. Once this loads, scroll down to the section on degree and curriculum information. Your GPA is located on the far right of this section (see below for an example).

How do you get an Infinite Campus student account?

If you are a student make sure you are using Campus Student.

  1. Visit infinitecampus.com and click Login at the top right.
  2. Search for your District Name and State.
  3. Click Parent/Student.
  4. Click either Campus Parent or Campus Student.
  5. Enter the Username and Password provided by your school.
  6. Click Log In!

How do I print my grades on Infinite Campus as a parent?

They can be printed online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal under the “Reports” tab. All junior high students have received a grade for each class (except study hall and FLEX). Please contact the Junior High Office at if you encounter any problems seeing or printing your child’s grades.

How do I change my grade on Infinite Campus as a student?

Click on “Grading By Task”….-to which Term/Task they need to be moved.

  1. Log in to Infinite Campus.
  2. Open your grade book to the section that has the assignments and scores that need transferred.
  3. Locate the assignment that need transferred and right-click on the heading.
  4. Click on “Edit/Delete Assignment”.
  5. Click OK.

How do you hide dropped students in Infinite Campus 2020?

Under Instruction, click Admin. Under Admin, click Preferences. Check the box to Hide Dropped Students.

How can I change my grade?

To edit posted grades:

  1. Click Instructor Grades & Assignments > Gradebook > Grades .
  2. To edit one or more student grades for a single activity, select Edit Grades from the column’s options menu.
  3. On the Edit Grades page you can set a new grade value and enter any comments about why you are changing the grade.
  4. Click Save.

How do I hide my grades on Infinite Campus?

Click on Edit Teacher Preferences. B. If you want to hide the names of the dropped students in the Gradebook, which are generally displayed in red, then check the box Hide Dropped Students. This is more for convenience as it is easier to enter grades when the dropped students are not visible.

What does dropped mean in grades?

If your grade says “Dropped”, the instructor: Dropped the highest and/or lowest grade item in this category. Dropped this assignment so it does not count toward the final grade.

How do you lower the lowest grade in Infinite Campus?

Mark the checkbox to Drop Lowest Score, which automatically removes the lowest score in the category (by percentage) from calculating into the student’s grade. See the drop lowest score logic in the section following. 5. Click Save to add the category to the list.

What does GB seq mean in Infinite Campus?

Grade Book sequence

What does CP mean in Infinite Campus?

conceded pass

What does grade S mean?


What does S mean in pass fail?

Satisfactory completion

What does S mean in report card?


Is s good grade?

*At selected institutions, a lower grade may be considered passing….Grading in universities.

Grade Letter Grade Description
9–10 S Excellent
8–9 A Very good
7–8 B Good
6–7 C Satisfactory Work

Is a 79 a good grade?

A C+ letter grade is equivalent to a 2.3 GPA, or Grade Point Average, on a 4.0 GPA scale, and a percentage grade of 77–79….List of Common GPA Conversions.

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 GPA Scale
B+ 87–89 3.3
B 83–86 3.0
B- 80–82 2.7
C+ 77–79 2.3