Where should I put also?

Where should I put also?

Basically you need to remember that we use ‘also’ to add information to something we have already said and you need to place it in the sentence next to the thing or idea that you are adding. I hope this makes it clear!

What does I love you also mean?

So when one more person expresses their love for someone who is already loved by someone else, they say, “I also love you.”

What is the best reply for I Love You?

Alternative Responses To I Love You

  • I love you way more.
  • Thank you for loving me.
  • I am so obsessed with you.
  • There is nothing better than hearing you say that.
  • You make the world a better place.
  • No, I love you!
  • You are the only person who can make me smile constantly.

What is the meaning of I Love You 3000?

The basic meaning behind the phrase is simply just Morgan expressing how much she loves her dad. Like, 3000 is a big number for a 5 year old kid. Some fans have interpreted it as a child-genius response to Tony’s “I love you tons” comment (a ton is 2000 pounds.

Why is iron man called 3000?

“Co-director Anthony Russo told Watching Hollywood: “That line is actually something Robert brought to the film. He said that one of his children once told him, ‘I love you 3000. ‘ We told the story to the screenwriters, and eventually it became a line in the script.”

Who is standing at Tony Stark’s funeral?

That character is Harley Keener, played by Ty Simpkins, who you’ll remember from “Iron Man 3” as the kid from Tennessee who helps Tony (Robert Downey Jr) recharge his suit while he investigates a mysterious death.

Who is everyone at Iron Man’s funeral?

At this point, The Guardians group includes Rocket, Groot, Peter Quill, Drax, Mantis, and Nebula, but neither deceased Gamora nor 2014 Gamora. Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! The Black Panther delegation from Wakanda stands together just up the slope a bit – T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri.

Does Captain America die?

Leading up to its premiere, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier dropped plenty of hints that Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, had died. The premiere episode of the new Disney+ series confirms it: Captain America is gone.

Is gamora dead?

Well, thanks to a recently released deleted scene from the film, we finally know she did survive the final snap and was present for one of the saddest moments in MCU history. ICMYI, Thanos sacrificed Gamora to claim the orange Soul Stone for the Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers: Infinity War.

Is Thor in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

3 comes after the next Thor movie in the MCU timeline. Does it mean Thor won’t be in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3: absolutely not? However, it will most likely be a smaller role than fans thought. The team-up might happen in both films – it might happen in another movie – we’ll have to wait and see.

Why can’t the Infinity Stones bring back the dead?

The process for earning the Soul Stone is irreversible. Returning the stone simply wouldn’t bring the dead one back. The soul exchanged for this stone will be sealed in that place forever.

Who can beat Thanos?

Marvel: 10 Superheroes Who Could Defeat Thanos

  1. 1 Deadpool. A man of many words, Wade Wilson actually managed to defeat Thanos simply by talking.
  2. 2 Drax The Destroyer.
  3. 3 Franklin Richards.
  4. 4 Wolverine.
  5. 5 Thor.
  6. 6 Mar-Vell.
  7. 7 Squirrel Girl.
  8. 8 Star-Lord.

Who is the weakest superhero?

Counted Down: The Top 10 Weakest Superheroes Of All Time

  • Hindsight Lad.
  • Hellcow.
  • Matter-Eater Lad.
  • Friendly Fire.
  • Stone Boy.
  • Dazzler. Dazzler was created as a cross-promotion between Marvel Comics and Casablanca Records.
  • Cypher. At first glance, Cypher has a really cool power.
  • Squirrel Girl. Squirrel Girl is the creation of Steve Ditko and Will Murray.

Who is the youngest avenger?

Scarlet Witch

Who is the smartest superhero?

Harvard or Columbia? The Top 10 Smartest Superheroes In Comics

  • Mr.
  • Batman.
  • Iron Man.
  • Oracle.
  • The Atom.
  • Hank Pym. Like Beast, Hank Pym is arguably the smartest member of the team he’s on.
  • Beast. It should come as no surprise that Beast makes this smartest superheroes in comics list.
  • Amadeus Cho. At the tender age of 15, Amadeus Cho entered an academic competition for gifted youngsters.

Who is the useless avenger?

In the comics, Thor is probably the most useless for the first 90%, until he finally gets off his butt and saves the day. Falcon can fly; but Hawkeye slaughters everything with his trick arrows. In the time it takes Black Widow to take out 5 guys, Hawkeye has taken out three times as many with 1/3rd the effort.

What is the 7th Infinity Stone?

The Ego Stone (or Ego Gem) is the seventh Infinity Stone, hidden in an unknown realm known as the Ultraverse in the Marvel Comics Universe. When the Ego Stone comes into contact with the other Infinity Stones, Nemesis will be reborn.

Who is the leader of the avenger?

Black Panther

Who is the best female avenger?

Marvel: The 15 Most Powerful Female Avengers

  1. 1 Carol Danvers (AKA Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel)
  2. 2 Greer Grant Nelson (AKA Tigra)
  3. 3 Jane Foster (AKA Mighty Thor)
  4. 4 Jennifer Walters (AKA She-Hulk)
  5. 5 Wanda Maximoff (AKA Scarlet Witch)
  6. 6 Monica Rambeau (AKA Photon/Spectrum/Captain Marvel)
  7. 7 Jocasta.
  8. 8 Jessica Jones (AKA Power Woman/Jewel/Knightress)

Who are the top 10 Avengers?

Marvel: Ranking The Top 10 Members Of The Avengers By Personality

  1. 1 THOR. Thor is easily the most personable member of The Avengers.
  2. 2 CAPTAIN AMERICA. The most trustworthy member of The Avengers is, and always has been, Captain America.
  3. 3 IRON MAN.
  4. 4 FALCON.
  5. 5 HAWKEYE.

Who are the 6 original Avengers?

The six original cast members of the Avengers — Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner – came together on Sunday for an event.

Who are the 7 original Avengers?

The original team consisted of Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye. They were brought together by S.H.I.E.L.D. to combat Loki, Thor’s adoptive brother. The team was initially formed by Nick Fury to “fight the battles that S.H.I.E.L.D. never could”.