Where was the child at this time why the lost child?

Where was the child at this time why the lost child?

Answer. Answer:The child was at the temple because he wanted to find his parents,as he was lost in the village fair.

What did the child feel when he was lost?

Answer:The child was shaken with fear when he got to know that he was lost and moving and looking here and there searching his parents crying very loudly .

What did the child want to eat at the fair?

Answer. Answer: In the lesson THE LOST CHILD the child in the fair wants to eat orange barfie from the sweetmeat seller.

Why did the child feel both repelled and fascinated by the Fair?

Explanation: The child was fascinated by the pop of colours in the fair. However, the sheer number of people present at the fair scared the child and repelled him from spending more time there. He was afraid of getting lost and being separated from his parents.

How was the child lost in the fair?

Answer: In the fair , there were many beautiful things like toys , sweets , balloons and many more. The child wanted all those things but his parents were neglecting him and in watching those things the child was lagging behind . In this way the child lost in the fair.

Why did the child not stay for long near the snake charmer?

Ans. In the fair, the child noticed a snake charmer. He was playing the flute in front of the snake. But he did not stay for long near the snake charmer because he knew that his parents would not allow him to hear the music as it was coarse music for his parents.

At what point in the fair did the child lost his parents?

He had gone with his parents to the fair but loses them when he gets engrossed in looking at a roundabout swing. The story highlights the bond of love and affection that the child shares with his parents. Before losing them he had been demanding different things like sweets, balloons, flowers, swings, etc.

How did the child react when there was no sign of his parents?

Answer: The child was very innocent. He gets confused and panic-stricken on not seeing his parents. He felt lonely without his parents amidst so much of crowd.

Why did the child not ask for his favorite Burfi?

The child didn’t ask for his favorite burfi because he half knew that his request would not be listened because his parents would say he was greedy. So without waiting for an answer he moved on. The child knew that his parents would not buy him a garland of gulmohur.

What changes do you notice in the Behaviour of the child once he is separated from his parents in the story the lost child?

He was very excited and happy with the stalls of toys and sweets. He gets separated from his parents and starts crying. He runs hither and thither in search of his parents, but in vain. The child who wanted everything from the fair was now not interested in any of these things as he only yearned to be with his parents.

What difference do you notice in the child’s Behaviour before and after he gets lost the lost child?

Answer: Before getting lost,the behaviour of child depends upon his/her mood. he or she can be happy or sad. The cry of child after getting lost is one of the result of his new knowledge and feelings he/she now has for his/her parents.

What was the first demand of the child while going to the fair?

The first demand of the child was for burfi while he was accompanying his parents to the fair.

Why did the child say no to all the things he was earlier crying for?

Answer: His parents were not there. So he was feeling lonely without them . Without them, everything looked insignificant and unimportant.

Why did the child say no?

Often times, a child says no because they don’t want what you’ve asked—clean up, feed the dog, or some other simple household chore. Encourage your child’s sense of self and their desire to do things that feel good to do.

Why did the father look red eyed at the child?

The child’s family was poor and couldn’t afford to buy toys. So when the boy looked at his father to buy him a toy, his father gave him a stern look which indicated his refusal.

Who took the child to the fair?

Explanation: the child went to the fair with his parents who had some financial problems . There the child sees many things that he wants and ask’s for them. He doesn’t wait for an answer and goes ahead as he knew the financial condition of his parents.

Why did the child keep moving without getting any answer?

Answer: The child kept moving without getting any answers from his parents because he already knew that they won’t let him buy anything that he saw in the fair.

How did the father react to his demand?

Answer: The child came with his parents to visit the fair . as the boy was a young child, he was having so many desires, but everytime his father denied at his wish , as it was not possible to fulfill his every wishes , and on the other hand the child family was middle class.

Why did the father stare at the child?

Kezia was very scared of her father. Kezia would sit on the stool and wait for her father to wake up and then have a word with him. However on waking up and finding Kezia by his side would make him irritate. He was scared by her look and even called her an owl.

Who rescued the lost child Why was the child crying terribly?

He got attracted to many things in the fair like – the garlands or gulmohar , sweets , balloons and toys etc. When he reached near the roundabout. He wanted to have a ride on it . He asked his parents for a ride , having no response on thier part the child started crying.

Why did the child cry in the lesson the lost child?

Answer. The child wanted his parents as his first priority was his parents other than anything and the child was too small to control his emotions ,so the boy started crying.