Which is correct both has or both have?

Which is correct both has or both have?

Both is plural, so it is followed plural verbs such a have , are , do , do not , go .an so on. As 5jj said, and as all of us keep saying, context is crucial: ‘Both has and have are forms of the verb ‘to have’.”

How do you use both correctly?

When we use both as part of a subject or object which is a pronoun, it may be followed by of + an object pronoun:

  1. We both dislike soap operas. ( subject pronoun + both) or Both of us dislike soap operas. (
  2. She looked at both of us.
  3. He shouted at both of them.
  4. That’ll be so nice for both of you.

What is the difference between work and works?

Job: Art: Work or works as a noun These sentences are almost identical but work implies all of it, and works implies that you have some particular pieces in mind.

Is it both or both of?

The difference between ‘both’ and ‘both of’ is that ‘both’ is used between two different things joined by ‘and’: Both my tea and my coffee were sugared. I like both tea and coffee. ‘Both of’ is used for two of the same kind of thing.

Is both of you correct grammar?

3 Answers. One would normally just say “both of you” for both subject and object. Rarely, and much less formally, one might say “the both of you” for emphasis, but this should be avoided in Standard English. The word ‘both’ is not a noun, so it cannot be preceded by ‘the’.

When to use both and all?

Both is used for exactly two items while ‘all’ is used for referring to more than one items, collectively.

Can we use the after both?

You can use both and then say the two things specifically, but in this case you can’t use of. The only way to fix this sentence is to eliminate the word “of” and say, “I like both soccer and tennis.”

Where do you put both?

As a pronoun, ‘both’ indicates that two items are being discussed and is therefore used in place of the phrase “the two.” The use of ‘both’ to discuss three or more entities is grammatically incorrect. Both samples were measured. (i.e., The two samples were measured.) There were two outliers, and we removed both.

What does both mean?

adjective. one and the other; two together: He met both sisters. Both performances were canceled.

What can I say instead of both?

Synonyms: the two, the two of, the pair of, the pair, and, and also, not only but also …

Does both mean two?

Meaning of both in English. (referring to) two people or things together: Both my parents are teachers..

Is either only for two things?

The traditional rule holds that either should be used only to refer to one of two items, and that any is required when more than two items are involved: Any (not either) of the three opposition candidates still in the race would make a better president than the incumbent.

Does neither mean two?

Neither is used to mean none of two or more. Although some suggest that using the word neither with more than two items is incorrect, it has been commonly used to refer to more than two subjects since the 17th century.

How do you use either?

Either is used when referring to a choice between two options. For example, “Either one deserves to win.” Or, “Either you leave, or I will phone the police.” It can also be used in a negative way, instead of the words also or too.

Can neither/nor be used with more than two?

A “nor” usually follows a “neither” when they’re used in the same sentence (1). For example, you might say: I like neither hot dogs nor ketchup. You can also use “nor” if you’re talking about more than two items, but you have to repeat “nor” after each element (2).

Can you use nor with no?

Nor can be used without neither, as in the following sentences: Neither was I going to hide, nor (was I going to) run away.

What is the rule for neither nor?

The verb in an or, either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees with the noun or pronoun closest to it. Examples: Neither the plates nor the serving bowl goes on that shelf. Neither the serving bowl nor the plates go on that shelf.

How do you use NOR or neither?

Both choices are used during comparisons of two things, but the difference is:

  1. Either/or is used when making a positive decision between two or more things.
  2. Neither/nor is used when the choice is negative or the person wants to say that more than one thing is not true.

How do you use neither/nor in a negative sentence?

Beware Double Negatives with ‘Neither/Nor’

  1. Adam did not find the key neither on nor under the mat.
  2. He did not mention neither the flooding nor the landslide.
  3. He mentioned neither the flooding nor the landslide.
  4. He did not mention either the flooding or the landslide.

What is the difference between NOR and OR?

nor (conjunction) nor is always used in the negative, usually before the second or last of a set of negative possibilities, we use it after ‘neither’. He drinks neither wine nor beer. or (conjunction) or is used to connect different possibilities. He doesn’t drink wine or beer.

How do you use either or and neither nor in English grammar?

Use a Plural Verb if One (or Both) Elements Are Plural

  1. The word either should never be paired with.
  2. The word neither should never be paired with.
  3. You can only use nor in a sentence if there’s a neither (Some people say that “not … nor” is also a valid construction, but it’s safer to stick with “neither”).

How do you use both either and neither?

We use both, either and neither to refer to two people or things….Neither X nor Y

  1. Neither John nor Fred likes doing the dishes. (= “Both John and Fred don’t like doing the dishes”)
  2. I want neither the red shirt nor the blue shirt.
  3. I neither smoke nor drink.

What is the example of NOR?

A nor usually follows a neither when they’re used in the same sentence (1). For example, you might say, “I like neither hot dogs nor mustard.” You may also use nor if you’re talking about more than two items, but you must repeat nor after each element (2).

What is but used for?

We use but as an alternative to except (for), apart from and bar to introduce the only thing or person that the main part of the sentence does not include. It is often used after words such as everyone, nobody, anything, anywhere, all, no, none, any, every.

How do you use neither/nor example?

Neither/nor – when they are used together, they negate both parts of the statement. For example: Neither the blue one nor the red is available in size 4. I will neither call you nor send you a message before midday.

Is it neither of us is or are?

I mean, we should encourage people to use the right form right? So, is it best to tell all readers that the correct form is: ” neither of us is […]”. The pronouns neither and either are singular and require singular verbs even though they seem to be referring, in a sense, to two things.

What can’t stand for?

: to hate I can’t stand him.

What part of grammar is but?

In the English language, the word “but” is also used for multiple purposes. It can serve as a conjunction, a preposition, an adverb, or a noun in sentences. This word is commonly categorized under conjunctions because it can connect two clauses together and form a single sentence.

When should and be used?

Comma Before And That Joins Two Independent Clauses. The word and is a conjunction, and when a conjunction joins two independent clauses, you should use a comma with it. The proper place for the comma is before the conjunction. On Monday we’ll see the Eiffel Tower, and on Tuesday we’ll visit the Louvre.