Which profession will you marry?

Which profession will you marry?

The Profession Each Job Is Most Likely To Marry

Occupation Most Likely To Marry
Civil Engineers Elementary And Middle School Teachers
Billing And Posting Clerks Driver/Sales Workers And Truck Drivers
Sales Managers Elementary And Middle School Teachers
Personal Financial Advisors Elementary And Middle School Teachers

At what age do female doctors marry?

A few wait until post grad is completed and then take the plunge (29 -30 yrs). still a select few may plan to get into super specialization (30-31 yrs). From my own experience and that of my friends, most marry after post graduation that is 26–27 years and a very few during internship which is 24–25 approximately.

Do doctors cheat?

Over 600 medical professionals have confessed their reasons for cheating, in a study conducted by IllicitEncounters.com. There are just over 8,000 people on the website who describe themselves as working in ‘Healthcare or Medicine’.

Do doctors and nurses have affairs?

In an unscientific poll, I asked more than 100 nurses whether they or nurse colleagues had engaged in a sexual relationship with a doctor, nurse, or other coworker. Eighty-seven percent said yes. Nurses describe affairs with doctors, trysts with staff, and certain infamous units.

What percent of athletes cheat on their wives?

90 percent

Do baseball players cheat on their wives?

With these long periods away from the family, most baseball players are often unfaithful to their partners especially if they are not able to move with them. They are obvious cases of baseball players who have been unfaithful to their wives and even worst cases where divorce has been involved.

Why do you think the divorce rate is so high for professional athletes?

There are likely some common underlying reasons for the marital discord among athletes: The athlete has to focus so hard on his or her professional skills that it may leave little time to focus on a marriage. There’s a tremendous amount of public pressure on athletes to be at the top of their form every single game.