Who can I ask a legal question for free?

Who can I ask a legal question for free?

Ask A Lawyer is a free offering on Lawyers.com where consumers can ask legal questions and seek answers from our extensive network of attorneys. For attorneys, it is an effective marketing tool linking you to prospective clients who may be in need of legal counsel.

Can I ask a lawyer questions online?

It’s EASY. Legal questions are submitted online – all you need is an internet connection. It’s CONVENIENT. Volunteer attorneys are able to answer your questions outside regular business hours – no need to attend a clinic or visit a legal aid office.

What questions do lawyers ask?

Below are five questions that you should expect from your lawyer during your first meeting….What Questions do Lawyers Ask Their Clients?

  • What is your case about?
  • What do you hope to accomplish?
  • How do you want us to communicate?
  • Why did you choose me?
  • Are you comfortable with my rates?

What is a forum in law?

Refers to the court in which a lawsuit is filed or in which a hearing or trial is conducted. The appropriate forum depends on which court has personal jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of the case.

What is forum shopping in conflict of laws?

Forum shopping is a colloquial term for the practice of litigants having their legal case heard in the court thought most likely to provide a favorable judgment.

Is a demurrer a general appearance?

The simple answer to your question, is that the filing of a general demurrer is a general appearance in the case.

What is a non judicial forum?

Forum non conveniens is a discretionary power that allows courts to dismiss a case where another court, or forum, is much better suited to hear the case. This dismissal does not prevent a plaintiff from re-filing his or her case in the more appropriate forum.

Is forum non conveniens an affirmative defense?

Is venue proper? A motion to dismiss for improper venue is permitted by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(3). If you plan on filing a motion to transfer venue based upon forum non conveniens, raise that ground as an affirmative defense in your answer. Federal venue statutes are located at 28 U.S.C 1391, et seq.

Are forum non conveniens italicized?

Italics may be used sparingly for emphasis if required. Italics are also used for Latin phrases, if specific to law or not commonly known, for example: inter alia forum non conveniens. Italics are also used for highlighting sections of text, including abstracts.

What does res judicata mean?

claim preclusion

What is inconvenient forum?

An inconvenient forum describes a situation where a local court that has jurisdiction over your case according to the Texas Family Code determines that it would be better to decline that jurisdiction on account of a court in another state offering a more appropriate forum.

How does a court have personal jurisdiction?

Typically for a court to have personal jurisdiction over a defendant, the plaintiff needs to serve the defendant in the state in which the court sits, and the defendant needs to voluntarily appear in court.

What are the 2 facts required to prove a court has personal jurisdiction over a defendant?

Intro: In order for a court to have personal jurisdiction over a defendant it must have a statutory basis for its power, and the exercise of its power must comply with due process (14th Amendment for states, 5th Amendment for federal government).

What is jurisdiction over the person?

Jurisdiction over the person (also sometimes simply referred to as personal jurisdiction) is jurisdiction over the persons or entities, such as corporations or partnerships, involved in the lawsuit. In rem jurisdiction is implicated when an object or piece of land is the subject of the legal action.

Who has jurisdiction in a civil case?

The court must have power over the defendant that you are suing, which is known as personal jurisdiction, and it must have the power to resolve the legal issues in the case, which is known as subject matter jurisdiction.

What are 4 types of jurisdiction?

There are four main types of jurisdiction (arranged from greatest Air Force authority to least): (1) exclusive federal jurisdiction; (2) concurrent federal jurisdic- tion; (3) partial federal jurisdiction; and (4) proprietary jurisdiction. Depending on your installation, more than one type of jurisdiction may apply.

What is jurisdiction of civil court?

a civil court has jurisdiction to try all suits of a civil nature unless their cognizance is barred either expressly or impliedly. b. Consent can neither confer nor take away jurisdiction of a court. Every court has inherent power to decide the question of its own jurisdiction.

Why is determining jurisdiction so important for court cases?

Jurisdiction is important because it limits the power of a court to hear certain cases. If courts did not exercise appropriate jurisdiction, every court could conceivably hear every case brought to them, which would lead to confusing and contradictory results.

Do you need both personal and subject matter jurisdiction?

In order for a court to make a binding judgment on a case, it must have both subject matter jurisdiction (the power to hear the type of case) as well as personal jurisdiction (the power over the parties to the case).