Who do we thank on Memorial Day?

Who do we thank on Memorial Day?

On Memorial Day you can honor the fallen by attending memorial services within your community or laying flowers and planting flags on graves at your local Veterans cemetery. Veterans Day is an opportunity to do the same, but it is also an appropriate time to show your appreciation to Veteran friends and family.

How do you say thank you to a soldier?

Thank you all for your patriotism, your sacrifices, and your selflessness. Dear Soldier, God Bless you and thank you so much for choosing to defend our great nation! It is quite a sacrifice and we need to do more for all of you, especially in pay, benefits, and health care.

Why should we be thankful for veterans?

These men and women deserve our gratitude for their willingness to serve this country and help protect our rights and our freedoms. The next time you exercise the freedom of speech, to vote, to move freely about the country, to protect your family and gather in your house of worship, you should thank a veteran.

Why is it important to respect veterans?

1. Veterans fought for our freedoms and risked their lives whether or not we realized it or appreciated it. 2. Without the service of veterans we would not have the freedoms we have today.

Why is Veterans so important?

Veterans Day replaced Armistice Day in 1954. This holiday is important to families in the military and it honors them for their service. This holiday is a celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

What is the significance of 11/11 on Veterans Day?

Veterans Day occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I, known as Armistice Day.

How do you explain a veteran to a child?

Explain that veterans are people who served in the military (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard). Then ask if they know anyone who is a veteran? Tell them that veterans are everywhere. Be ready to rattle off the names of people your child knows who have served in the Armed Forces.

How do you explain military to a child?

The military is the group or groups of people that are given power to defend something (mostly a country). They are armed, so they are called the armed forces. The military protects its country by defending it from the armed forces of enemies, if there is a war.

What do you say to veterans?

To all veterans, living and deceased, thank you for your service and sacrifices so that we can live in a free country. I am profoundly grateful for and respectful of all you have done for us and your nation. Thank you for your great personal sacrifice that enabled our nation to be free. Thank you.

Why do soldiers sacrifice themselves?

There are many reasons given as to why soldiers make the ultimate sacrifice in war. It has been stated that soldiers die for their patriotic ardor of their country, for each of its citizens individually and lastly to pre-serve their nation’s freedom. A soldier may die, in combat, doing what they wanted to do.