Who gets house in divorce Colorado?

Who gets house in divorce Colorado?

Colorado is a marital property state, meaning that the courts seek to fairly divide your marital assets between both spouses in a divorce. Generally speaking, that will include the home you purchased with your spouse.

How is debt divided in a divorce in Colorado?

Debt acquired during a marriage is considered marital property, which means that debt is divided fairly in a divorce. In Colorado, marital debt is divided fairly between you both, just like your assets. It does not matter whose name is on the card or the deed, the debt is considered the responsibility of both spouses.

Can you file for divorce online Colorado?

Filing divorce online in Colorado can be an easy, affordable, and fun solution for couples like you. Online divorce is cheap and ideal for partners who have an uncontested case. A reliable online divorce platform will give you access to a step-by-step method of preparing your divorce documents.

Is Colorado a marital property state?

Colorado is a marital property state, not “community property”. That means that the assets and debts acquired during marriage (i.e. the marital estate) should be divided equitably between the spouses upon dissolution of marriage, legal separation or annulment.

Is Colorado a dower state?

Dower is an old-time European practice of a wife having continued use of her husband’s real property upon his death, also called a life estate. Both dower and curtsey have been abolished in Colorado for many years.

Can a separated spouse enter the home?

Generally, both spouses have the right to enter the home unless/until the court enters an order for one party to have exclusive use/possession of the residence.

Can I change the locks during separation?

Changing Locks During Separation or Divorce Once you file for divorce, you can petition the Court for an order signed by the Judge that gives you exclusive use of the home. This order does allow you to change the locks to the home and prevent your wife from re-entering.

How do I get my husband to leave the marital home?

With the assistance of your divorce lawyer, you can negotiate a settlement in the form of a contract or court order (consent order) that requires your spouse to leave the marital residence within a certain time frame.

Is changing the locks illegal?

California is a state that allows tenants to change the locks and not share a key with the landlord, unless the lease states otherwise.