Who has the longest Christmas?

Who has the longest Christmas?

The American Caribbean territory of Puerto Rico boasts the longest Christmas season in the world, and for good reason.

What country has the least holidays?


Who has the most holidays in the world?


What is paid leave in India?

India employees will be provided with 1.25 Vacation Leaves every month (15 days of annual leave per calendar year). All vacation leave/annual leave will be paid out to the exiting employee at the employee’s fixed salary rate at the time of exit.

How many leaves are allowed in a year?

Earned & Casual Leave in India

Type of Leave Privileged Leave/ Earned Leave Casual Leave
Quantum per year 15 days Not exceeding 12 days
Entitlement On working 240 days in a year During 12 months of service and subsequent 12 months
Accumulation 45 days in 3 years Not allowed

What are the 3 types of leave?

Leave Types In India

  • Types Of Leaves.
  • Privilege Leave (PL) / Earned Leave (EL) / Annual Leave (AL)
  • Casual Leave (CL)
  • Sick Leave (SL)
  • Maternity Leave (ML)
  • Marriage Leave.
  • Paternity Leave.
  • Bereavement Leave.

How many casual leave can I take at once?

7.1.4 Casual Leave (CL) CL cannot be claimed as of right and is subject to a maximum of 8 days in a calendar year. In addition each employee will also be allowed to avail himself/herself of any two holidays from the list of Restricted holidays declared by the Government of India.

Is Earned leave a right?

BENGALURU: Earned leave is a privilege a workman would be entitled to only if he actually works and can’t be earned as a matter of right if he hasn’t worked.

How is El calculated?

As per ID Act all the workers must be given 1 day for every 20 completed days worked. As per that per year total 313 working days, hence 15 or 16 days leave can be granted. But some companies used to give upto 30 days Earned Leave as their company’s leave policy. But it varies as per their attendance of previous year.

What is the rule of maternity leave?

Key amendments For women who are having 2 or more surviving children, the duration of paid maternity leave shall be 12 weeks (i.e. 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after expected date of delivery).

Can I take a leave during notice period?

An employee can take leave during notice period, provided it is for a genuine reason like maternity, health issues, etc.

What if you are sick during your notice period?

If they’re off sick during the notice period, they get their full normal pay for the whole 7 weeks. If their contractual notice period is longer than statutory by a week or more, they’re only entitled to the appropriate pay for the reason they’re off, for example Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

Can I go sick in my notice period?

Can I be off sick during my notice period? Yes, you can be off sick and you will be entitled to receive your normal rate of pay, contractual sick pay or SSP, unless you have exhausted this already prior to your notice period commencing.

What is the notice period for redundancy?

The statutory redundancy notice periods are: at least one week’s notice if employed between one month and 2 years. one week’s notice for each year if employed between 2 and 12 years. 12 weeks’ notice if employed for 12 years or more.

Can I resign on sick leave?

Q: One of my employees has resigned while on sick leave. What do I do in regards to their notice pay? A: Employers seek every opportunity to support employees to help them return to work when they are sick. In some cases, they will be unsuccessful and an employee can go on to resign for many reasons.

Is it better to resign or be fired?

It’s theoretically better for your reputation if you resign because it makes it look like the decision was yours and not your company’s. However, if you leave voluntarily, you may not be entitled to the type of unemployment compensation you might be able to receive if you were fired.

Can you hand in your notice while on sick leave?

You’re entitled to your normal pay rate during your notice period, including when you’re: off sick. on holiday. temporarily laid off.

Is 3 month notice period normal?

The 3 month notice period is an increasingly common mandate, especially at a senior level position or for workers with highly in-demand skills. However, because of the extended timeframe, it can be tricky to negotiate how and when to leave your current position as you embark on a new job search.