Who writes obituaries?

Who writes obituaries?

Unlike death notices, which the family writes, obituaries are usually written by the newspaper’s editors or reporters. At many newspapers, families can submit a request to have an obituary written about the person who died, though the newspaper ultimately decides whether or not to write the story.

How do you write a perfect obituary?

The anatomy of a good obituary

  1. Jot down the key facts first.
  2. Write in the present tense, in letter form and change it later.
  3. Reach out to friends and family for memorable stories.
  4. Ask yourself these questions about your loved one.
  5. Don’t feel like this has to be funny.

How do you list families in an obituary?

Listing Family Members List the spouse first, include the town or city where the spouse lives, children in the order of when they were born and their spouses, if any, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, in-laws, nephews or nieces, all listed in birth order.

What should be included in a obituary?

Obituary Guidelines

  • Deceased’s full name, including well-known nickname, (if any) followed by a comma and age at death. (You do not need to say “age”.)
  • Residence (name of the city) at death. Do not use specific street address for the deceased.
  • Day and date of death.
  • Place of death (if appropriate).
  • Cause of death (if appropriate).

How do you say someone died in an obituary?

Announce the death And there are many ways to say that someone has “died” (“departed,” “passed away,” “went to be with her Lord,” and “entered eternal rest” are some of the most common), so choose the expression you prefer.

Do you mention first wife in obituary?

If the deceased has remarried since the dissolution of a former marriage, it goes without saying that the current spouse is named first in the listing of survivors, followed by the children and parents of the deceased.

How do you write an obituary for a blended family?

  1. Step 1: Tell the Full Story. Blended families come together through living life.
  2. Step 2: Don’t Leave Anyone Out.
  3. Step 3: Consider the Meaning of Family.
  4. Step 5: Compile a List.
  5. Step 6: Focus on Main Life Events.
  6. Obituaries Are for the Living.

How do I write an obituary for my child?

Start the obituary with the child’s name and date of death. For example, “James Smith died on July 14, 2010.” Some parents choose to include phrases such as “in his mother’s arms” or “surrounded by his family” to the first sentence. Add any other information you are willing to disclose.

How do you write a short obituary?

Use your words, but include the following so others receive appropriate information:

  1. Name of deceased.
  2. Age at time of death.
  3. Birth and death dates.
  4. Schooling or education.
  5. Accomplishments or biographical sketch.
  6. Immediate family members still living and deceased.
  7. Funeral arrangements, date, time and location.

How do you list half siblings in an obituary?

To write about stepsiblings or half-siblings, write the obituary to say: [Name] is survived by siblings [list all their names] and stepsiblings (or half-siblings) [list names].