Why did they kill Anya in Buffy?

Why did they kill Anya in Buffy?

The decision to kill off Anya was foreshadowed by her decision to fight alongside her friends, but a subtle hand-wave made it seem like Andrew (Tom Lenk) would be the one who didn’t survive. However, Andrew’s death would have been more impactful.

Why did Buffy kill herself?

Buffy had a lot of trouble finding a reason to live in S6, but she didn’t want to die, a fact she realized when it was on the table in Gone. She was forced to be suicidal because of the Demon Lord’s spell. She had those suicidal feelings inside her and he brought them out.

Did Buffy love Spike?

Before Spike died, Buffy finally told Spike that she loved him. This was the first time she had used the words “I love you” in a romantic sense to anyone since Angel. Spike, however, replied that she didn’t love him, but that he was grateful that she had said it.

How many times has Buffy died?

I think someone–Spike, or Faith–mention it in late s7 around the time Buffy is kicked out of the house. But she’s actually died 3 times by this point, technically speaking: The Master bites her and she drowns, momentarily, in Prophecy Girl. She sacrifices herself for Dawn in The Gift.

Does Buffy become a vampire?

Since Buffy didn’t feed from the Master, it would be impossible for her to have turned into a vampire. In the event that Xander’s CPR hadn’t worked, she would simply have stayed dead. Siring a vampire requires more than just a bite. Angelus sired vampires to play head games with Buffy when he lost his soul.

How old was Buffy when she slept with Angel?

Angel had sex with Buffy when she was 17, but he felt in love with her when she was 14-15.

Is Buffy stronger than Angel?

It took Buffy a good long while to get her skill up to standard but what she had going for her was her tenacity and her superior strength. OK, she is stronger than Angel, but Angel is also shown to be stronger than a lot of vamps, especially from Buffy S3 on.

Who is older Buffy or faith?

Faith is a year older. What make her feel older is probably that she’s been taking care of herself o lot more than Buffy. Even if Buffy has taken on a lot of responsibility through her years.

Why does faith hate Buffy?

The reason faith hated Buffy was not because everyone loved her more it was because Buffy is actually a good person and faith just isn’t. She had all of the same powers as Buffy and had she actually used them for good she would have been just as much a part of the gang.

Does Angel Date Cordelia?

Later, in Angel’s perfect-day dream sequence, Angel and Cordelia consummated their relationship, but Angel called out “Buffy!” as he lost his soul, just as he did in Sunnydale years earlier.

Who does Buffy end up with?

One couple that did end up together was Xander (Nicholas Brendon) and Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg) and are raising their daughter Joyce. At the end of both the comics and the TV series, Buffy ended up with friends with her two romantic interests, vampires Angel and Spike.

Did Buffy have a baby?

The end of Xander and Dawn’s story will surprise anyone who hasn’t been keeping up-to-date with the comics; they’ve become a couple, and are now bringing up their baby daughter, Buffy’s niece Joyce (named for their late mother).

Does Angel Love Cordelia more than Buffy?

No. He loves Cordelia, but Buffy is the love of his immortal life. If Buffy calls, Angel will come running. That’s been made obvious on both shows and in the comics.

Does Buffy ever date Spike?

Spike ends up falling in love with Buffy during Season Five, but she does not return the feelings. They reconcile and fight together until Buffy sacrifices herself. Spike is devastated. After her Season Six resurrection, Buffy begins a violently sexual relationship with Spike.

Does Buffy marry Spike?

After Giles accidentally drops the key to the chains keeping Spike captive, Spike is able to escape. While talking to Xander, Willow flippantly suggests that Buffy and Spike get married if Spike’s so important. Meanwhile at Giles’ place, Spike proposes to Buffy and she accepts.

Do Spike and Buffy sleep together?

When confronted with her feelings in a conversation with Dawn, Buffy preferred leaving to help Spike fighting in a cemetery, where she suddenly kissed him. Spike, though, pointed one problem: he was in love with her. They had sex that night and since then have resumed their relationship.

Who did Buffy love more Angel or Spike?

Buffy loved Angel more, obviously. Spike was just…

Why does Spike love Buffy?

When he met Buffy he saw something different and unique about her that always seemed attractive to him, as he grew to know her, he himself grew, when the Initiative put that chip in his head that triggered pain when he would try to harm a human it forced him to survive by being different and to also force him to grow …

Who did Buffy really love?

Speaking at Entertainment Weekly’s “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” reunion event, the actress, 39, finally chose between her character’s two main love interests – David Boreanaz’s Angel or James Marsters’ Spike.

What is Buffy short for?

Buffy is a pet form of the female given name Elizabeth.

What is Buffy’s full name?

Buffy Summers

Why is Buffy short for Elizabeth?

But in this case, it’s a nickname based on how a child might pronounce the final syllable— “Elizabeth” becomes “Beth,” which becomes “Buff,” and then becomes “Buffy.” (So, yes, the full title of the show should have been Elizabeth the Vampire Slayer.)

Why is it called Buffy?

Short form of Elizabeth, which is from the Hebrew elisheba, meaning “oath” or shabbath meaning “sabbath”. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a US TV programme which ran from 1997 to 2003 and starred Sarah Michelle Gellar.

How old is Angel Buffy?

240 years old

Is Buffy a male or female name?

The name Buffy is a girl’s name.

Is Buffy all in her head?

The doctor explains to her parents that she’s been catatonic from schizophrenia for all of the past six years, except for the brief period of lucidity which Buffy dimly remembers as her time in “heaven”, and that her life as the Slayer has been an elaborate improvised hallucination she has constructed for herself in …