Why do guys always say WYD?

Why do guys always say WYD?

6. Wyd? For those who are unfamiliar with it, this technically translates to “What’re you doing?” But it often means significantly more than that. Generally speaking, this is often used as a three-letter way of asking if you’re free enough to go see the person texting you.

What to say when he asks what are you doing?

Here are 11 ways how to respond to what are you doing when your crush/partner asks:

  • 01“I’m just here thinking about you.”
  • 02“Not you, unfortunately.”
  • 03 “Watching [insert TV show/movie].
  • 04“Trying to figure out when you’re finally going to ask me out.”
  • 05 “Just playing with [insert pet name and picture].

How are you doing today reply?

If someone asks “How are you doing?,” grammatically you should answer “Well.” This says “I’m doing well.” Since “doing” is an action verb, we need to use the adverb “well” to describe that action.

What are you doing here rude?

This question means “Why are you here?” But “Why are you here?” sounds rude and accusatory (it sounds like you’re accusing the person of doing something wrong). You ask “What are you doing here?” when you see someone that you didn’t expect to see in that place.

What are you doing right now answer?

When someone asks ‘what are u doing?’ this question doesn’t require a specific answer. You could answer saying, “Nothing much” or “Just the usual” because the person likely doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of your routine, it’s just a conversation starter.

What can I ask instead of how are you?

What To Ask Instead Of ‘How Are You? ‘

  • How are you today?
  • How are you holding up?
  • I’ve been thinking about you lately. How are you doing?
  • What’s been on your mind recently?
  • Is there any type of support you need right now?
  • Are you anxious about anything? Are you feeling down at all?

What should I ask in 20 questions?

20 Deep Questions To Ask Your Crush During A Game Of 20 Questions

  • Have You Ever Dine And Dashed At A Restaurant?
  • Would You Rather Have Endless Money Or Endless Love?
  • Have You Ever Been In A Car Accident — And It Was Your Fault?
  • If You Could Star In A Movie, What Movie Would It Be?

What are you doing right now meaning?

It means “What are you doing right now?” if the person sees you regularly. If the person does not see you very often and it’s someone who is checking in with you after 6 months or a year it would mean “What is going on in your life?” or it could still mean “What are you doing right now?””

What you up today meaning?

A third meaning is: doing something. Example: What are you up to right now? So, to answer your second question, it can mean, “what are your plans/what are you doing today”, although it sounds more natural to use it when asking someone what he is doing right now.

How are you doing or how you are doing?

“How are you?” is a bland greeting for someone you haven’t seen for a while, while “How are you doing?” spoken in full (as opposed to being shortened to “Howyadoin?”) may be an actual inquiry. The latter is more common when there is some expectation that the subject might not be doing well.

What have you been upto?

Re: What have you been up to ? It means “What have you been doing recently.” Typical responses could be: “I have done nothing for a while now.

What have you been upto lately?

Literally it means “what activities have you participated in recently”. A reply might be, “I’ve started editing that nonfiction book at work and moved to a new apartment.” Figuratively it means “I have not seen you in some time, and am curious about your life since I met you last” and could be answered the same way.

What have you been up to or too?

To is the correct format for that question. The “to” refers to what you are doing. The question “What, are you up too?” would be referring to the fact that you are also ‘up’ (awake and out of bed) with some surprise about the fact that you are also ‘up’. (I know, English is a complicated language to learn.

How ve you been or how have you been?

“How have you been” is usually used to greet someone whom you haven’t seen for a while, I would say more than a few weeks. Even though you can still say “How are you”, by saying “How have you been” or “How’ve you been” you are actually acknowledging the fact that it’s been a long time since you last met.

Where you have been or where have you been?

Both the sentences are correct . The difference between them is the tense. “Where had you been” is grammatically correct when talking in past perfect tense. While “where have you been” is used when talking in present perfect tense.

What tense is have you been?

Thus, when the helping verb is in the present tense, as in have been or has been, we have formed the present perfect tense. When the helping verb is in the simple past tense, as in had been, we have formed the past perfect tense.

Where have you been today meaning?

“Where have you been today?” is retrospective. For example, if a work colleague hasn’t been at his desk all day, but you bump into him just as you are going home, you could say this. “Where are you today?” is talking about the present or future.

What have you been doing Meaning?

what have you been up to? – it means I haven’t seen you for a long time, so tell me what you have been doing? You can answer anything that kept you busy. E.g: “What have you been up to today?” – , “I was at work until 2:00pm, and then I went to the store to pick up some milk.” Hope this helps :D.

How are you been?

“How have you been?” is a common question from native English speakers. It’s asking what you have been up to and how life has been for you from from a certain point in time. Perhaps you’re being asked how you’ve been doing since the last time you saw each other. Or maybe since the last time you spoke on the phone.

What have you done or what have you been doing?

‘What have you done?’ refers to a single event [the child has unplugged the aerial]. ‘What have you been doing?’ refers to a repetitive or continuous process [painting/making a mess].

Have been doing or had been doing?

Verbs in past continuous tense imply that the action began in the past and was still occurring when something else happened. The tense of “had been doing” is past perfect continuous. This tense is formed use the past perfect tense of the verb “to have” (had been) and the present participle of the verb (“to do”–doing).

What have you been doing grammar?

“What have you been doing?” is often described as present perfect. “Have” is in the present tense. Other possibilities: “What had you been doing?” or “What will you have done?

Had done VS had been doing?

“Had done” would be correct if the show had finished, but the correct answer is “had been doing” because she continued to do the show, and the book club is merely a new segment of the show.