Why do I love my mom and dad 10 lines?

Why do I love my mom and dad 10 lines?

I love my parents very much. They are very important to me. I cannot stay apart from them even for a day. I am always happy when my parents are with me.

Who is the best mom or dad?

Mom or dad? According to United States Court records, moms are the best. The 2007 statistics show that in 3 out of every 4 custody battles, custody awards were handed over to mothers.

Why are moms dads special?

my mom and dad are special to me because they both love me and take care and protect me… the affection,love of mother and father is a best that we cannot express ….

Why are Mom and Dad the greatest person?

I have a lot of heroes, but the most important hero to me would be my mom and dad. They are always there for me whenever I need them. When I am sick they make me smile, and that always makes me feel better. My parents are very caring people and their main priority is taking care of my brothers and me.

Why do I love my mom and dad with 5 lines?

They never ignore me, never hate me, always ready to help me and always care me. Those two most precious persons are my Parents. I love my parents as all the children do because this love is unconditional and gender free. I love them because they love me excessively but still teach me to not to cross limits in life.

Why parents are so special?

Parents protects their children day and night. Parents are special no matter what, because they gave life to you. The most precious thing in the world is to see your parents happy. The love of the mother and the care of the father is always much higher than anything.

Why do I trust my parents?

Trust with parents is very important. Trust generates value and this strengths the bonding between parent and child. This is again very delicate, which one has to handle with care. Trust once lost, it is lost forever.

What makes your parents happy?

Making Your Parents Happy

  • Step 1: Cooking a Meal. One way to make your parents happy is to cook a meal for your parents.
  • Step 2: Making a Smile.
  • Step 3: Have a Problem?
  • Step 4: Be Grateful.
  • Step 5: Tell the Truth!
  • Step 6: Just a Little Company.
  • Step 7: Last Step.

Why our parents is our hero?

A hero is someone who helps people, saves people lives, and risks their lives for someone else’s life. A hero can also be someone brave, cares for someone, loves someone. My hero is my parents, because they would do anything to help me, or risk their lives for me or one of my other sisters. So my hero is my parents.

Why God is our hero?

Jesus Christ is my hero because he is a strong, wonderful, caring man that gave his own life for each of us and our sins. There is not space enough on this page to tell of all the wonderful and caring things Jesus did for me and you. If you want to find out more about him, it is written in the Bible.

Why do my parents inspire me?

My mother always smiles, no matter what the circumstances are and that gives me the strength and inspiration to face all problems. My parents have made me understand what life is about and how to find that little ray of happiness in difficult situations.

What I am today is because of my parents?

Whatever I am today is because of my father. These assets of Allahabad still remain and shall remain eternally.

Why is my dad my role model?

My dad was a compelling guy because he would always keep a smile on every ones face. He would show a his enthusiastic mood with every word he said. My dad was compelling everyday of his life and he showed it through his mood. My dad was a great role model because he had lots of wisdom and wit.

Why my mother is a role model?

My mother, Mrs Chitrarekha Dinde, is my role model. She inspires and motivates me to grow without any barriers. It seems to me that this woman looks at life as a challenge and wholeheartedly intends to seize the day every day. My mother looked after me and supported me in every part of my life.

Why do I love my mother paragraph?

She has taught me to believe in people and not to have grudges against one another. She always encouraged me to go along when I was ready to give up. She makes sure that I was safe and happy throughout my childhood. It is the unconditional love that my mother feels that drives these feelings.

What can I write about my mother?

No matter how old you are, in her eyes you will always be her little boy.

  • Mom, you are the best!
  • Thank you for all of the invaluable lessons you’ve taught me.
  • I know I didn’t always make it easy on you.
  • You are amazing and appreciated.
  • Mom, you are irreplaceable.
  • Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.