Why is the girl unhappy in the necklace?

Why is the girl unhappy in the necklace?

She is upset because she does not have anything appropriate to wear. She is upset because she does not know how to act at a ball. She is excited because she always wanted to go to a ball.

Why was Matilda depressed?

Answer. Matilda was sad after the ball because she had lost the diamond necklace she had borrowed from her friend. She was worried about returning it as she could not afford such an expensive jewelry.

How does Mathilde want to live her life?

Mathilde Loisel wants to be a glamour girl. She’s obsessed with fancy, beautiful, expensive things, and the life that accompanies them. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t born into a family with the money to make her dream possible.

Why was Mathilde Not content with her life?

Expert Answers Mathilde Loisel is unhappy with her life at the beginning of “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant because she has been unhappy with her circumstances virtually since she was born. The first lines of the story explain that Mathilde grew up in a lower class home without any prospects.

Why is Mathilde so unhappy in the beginning of the story?

Mathilde Loisel is a woman who is dissatisfied with her life. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life at the opening of the story? she was unhappy with her life because she was not rich and full of wealth. Why did M.

How does losing the necklace change the Loisels life?

In order to replace the necklace, she and her husband worked for ten years to pay off the multiple loans it took to purchase a replacement. Over the ten years, Madame Loisel realized what it meant to be truly poor. Therefore, Madame Loisel changes dramatically over the course of the story.

Why was Mme Loisel shocked at the end of the story?

The ending of this story is Madame Loisel was shock because the Necklace that she lend is only imitation. She was regretted because she did not to ask apologize from Madame Forestier. Madame Loisel also accepting that all happened to her.

Why did Matilda change her lifestyle after the ball the necklace?

Why did Matilda change her lifestyle after the ball? Ans: Matilda borrowed a necklace from her friend for the ball, but she lost it after it. She and her husband had to struggle hard to repay the debt taken to buy a new necklace.

Why did Matilda not like her rich friend?

Answer. Answer: Matilda was not satisfied with what her life had to offer and was ashamed of her status. As she was humiliated by her lower-middle-class existence, she, generally, avoided meeting her rich friends like Mme Forestier, a wealthy lady, whom she knew from her days at the convent school.