Why was co-curricular activities called extra before?

Why was co-curricular activities called extra before?

The real and practical experiences received by the people with help of games, sports, arts, literary, culture, etc are known as co-curricular activities earlier known as Extra-curricular Activities.

How do you manage academics?

If you feel that your academic stress is interfering with your ability to function in the way you’d like, take action:

  1. Connect with CAPS.
  2. Use good time management techniques.
  3. Reconsider your commitments.
  4. Stay balanced.
  5. Take time to relax.
  6. Seek academic support when you need it.

How do you solve academic stress?

Here are eight tips to help you cope with academic stress successfully.

  1. Use Campus Resources.
  2. Stay Present.
  3. Learn New Skills Through Practice.
  4. Use Positive Self-Talk.
  5. Take Responsibility For Mistakes.
  6. Forgive Yourself.
  7. Focus On What You Can Control.
  8. Practice Good Self-Care.

How does academic stress affect students?

Excessive levels of academic stress can result in an increased prevalence of psychological and physical problems like depression, anxiety, nervousness and stress related disorders, which in turn can affect their academic results.

What is student academic stress?

Academic stress is defined as the body’s response to academic-related demands that exceed adaptive capabilities of students. According to the American College Health Association 2006 survey of college students, the one greatest health obstacle to college students’ academic performance was academic stress.

What is the best example of a good snack for better brainpower?

potato chips. mixed nuts. ice cream.

Why stress is bad for students?

The Mayo Clinic reports stress increases feelings of irritability and anger, which increases the likelihood for angry outbursts and social withdrawal. Besides directing anger at other students, students who are stressed may be resistant to following school guidelines and respectfully engaging with instructors.