Why would a guy ask about your weekend plans?

Why would a guy ask about your weekend plans?

Originally Answered: If a guy asks me “Any plans for this weekend?” this means he wants to ask me out? It is a possibility he wants to ask you out. Depending on the way the two of you interact he could also be making small talk. He did not mention a specific night so it could just be a hang out and not a date.

What to text instead of how was your day?

Questions to Ask Instead of ‘How Was Your Day? ‘

  • What was the best part of your day?
  • Did anything surprise you today?
  • Did you read/listen to anything interesting today?
  • Did you take any photos today?
  • How can I make your day easier in five minutes?
  • What did you do that was just for you today?

How do you ask a girl how was your day?

Just say hey how’s your day going. If the answer is something along the lines of it’s fine, say “oh that’s great!” Simple say hi to her and ask her how her day has been.

How do you ask how was your day in a romantic way?

35 Ways to Ask “How Was Your Day?”

  1. What is something you did today that you’d love to do every day?
  2. What do you know today that you didn’t know yesterday?
  3. Tell me something that made you laugh.
  4. Did anything make you feel frustrated?
  5. What was the best thing that happened?
  6. Did you find out anything interesting?

How was your day or how is your day?

“How has been your day” is correct, the first sentence is absolutely wrong. If you ask someone this sentence after a hard working day, you should say: “How was your day?” because you use the past tense for actions / events that are over and can’t be changed any more.

How do you ask someone’s day?

How do you ask a guy how his day went?

Conversation starters about his day

  1. What was the most interesting conversation you had with someone today?
  2. Did anything that happened today make you excited for tomorrow?
  3. If you could live today over again, would you do that?
  4. Did you read any interesting articles or news stories today?
  5. Did you learn anything new today?

How did your day go Reply?

Just answer the question the same way you’d answer it to a friend. “Pretty good, hbu?” is a fine response. “How’s your day going?”

How do you respond to what’s up in a flirty way?

Flirty Responses to “How Are You”

  1. I feel all the better now that you asked me.
  2. Everything is fine with you around.
  3. Right now, I’m on my way to paving a path to your heart.
  4. I’m single and ready to mingle!
  5. Thank god you finally noticed me!
  6. I have never been so strong.
  7. How is your favorite person doing today?! (Hahaha.

What to reply to How’s it going?

“How’s it going?” is a common greeting in most social situations, it’s another way to say hello. When you say “How’s it going?” you are actually asking how they are feeling. A proper response is “I’m doing fine” if things are going well or “I’m not doing so well” if things are going bad.

How’s going on meaning?

The idiom how’s it going is another way to say how are you, how are things progressing, or what’s up. The it can refer to life in general, a project, or your day. It should be noted that this idiom is said in many countries with the answer expected to be fine or good.

Why do guys ask how was your day?

2. He asks about your day. When a guy is into you, he wants to know what’s going on in your life and will listen with genuine intrigue, because he’ll find every aspect of you fascinating and will want to be kept in the loop.

How was your day funny answer?

Funny Responses To How Are You

  1. Somewhere between better and best.
  2. Can’t complain…
  3. If I had a tail, I would wag it! (
  4. I am as happy as a tick on a big, fat doggy.
  5. Oh, stop it, will you? (Say it like he or she is complimenting you even though he or she is not.)
  6. I love you. (
  7. So much better now that you are with me.

How do you respond to a sarcastic way?

If they are sarcastic, try to understand why they don’t truly mean “yes I agree” and have a civil discussion about it. If it’s about something futile, say a nice comeback, such as “okay then” or “thanks for your approval boss”. It they are serious then, just go ahead and do it!

What to reply when a girl asks who are you?

The Top Ten Answers To The Question: “Who Are You?”

  • Hakai – “I used to know, but then YOU happened.”
  • Tirikya – “I am your worst enemy, yet the best lover you ever had.”
  • No name – “I’m the one who gets you UP during HARD times.”
  • Queen Joanne – “I’m the girl you really loved but never fought for.”

What to say when a girl asks how was your day?

But asking “How is your day” is akin to “How are you?” —it means “Hi”. She doesn’t want you to open your diary and run through your every activity; nor hear about your emotional ups and downs. You say “Great!” if it has been ok, and you say “I’ve had better!” if your day has sucked immensely.

Why would a girl ask for your picture?

What signal may she be giving you? The girl wants a picture to either post on social media or show around to her friends. It could either mean you’re friendzoned or she likes you. If it comes up on social media, read the caption, if it doesn’t that means she is showing the picture to her friends and she likes you.

When a girl asks if you are dating?

It means she wants to know if you’re dating someone or in a relationship. Why she wants to know, only she can say for sure. However, here are some possibilities: She is trying to find out if you’re available for her to date.

When a girl asks why you chose her?

When a girl asks you why you chose to stay with her, she doesn’t want to be showered in compliments, she wants to know what you’re getting out of the relationship. She wants to know what makes her different from all the other pretty and smart girls in the world.

How do you answer when a girl asks why you like her?

Here are 12 sweet things to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend when they ask, “Why do you love me?”

  1. “I love you because you are you.
  2. “You are like sunshine itself, and I feel better when I’m with you.”
  3. “I love how I feel when I’m with you.”
  4. “You accept me for me.
  5. “You make me feel more alive than anyone ever has.”