What can I expect from a contested divorce?

What can I expect from a contested divorce?

What Is a Contested Divorce? In a contested divorce, the spouses are unable to come to an agreement on issues such as child custody and the division of marital assets. In such situations, the litigation process takes longer to conclude and often involves increased legal fees.

Who fills out the divorce decree?

These forms ask the judge to approve of the Decree without a hearing. Only one party needs to complete these forms (usually the Plaintiff).

Can you appeal a judge’s decision in a divorce?

A Divorce Judgment, like any Order made by the court, can be appealed. There is a time limit for filing an appeal. In order to have the Divorce Judgment take effect immediately, both the spouses must give up their ability to appeal the judgment.

Can a judge go back and change his ruling?

Over the course of a criminal case, a judge makes many rulings on points of law. An attorney can always ask a judge to reconsider a ruling on an objection, motion or sentence. A judge typically cannot reverse a verdict given at the conclusion of a trial but can grant a motion for a new trial in certain cases.