How is South Carolina child support calculated?

How is South Carolina child support calculated?

The court can determine a total child support obligation by adding the basic child support obligation, health insurance premium (portion covering children), and work related child care costs. A. The total child support obligation is divided between the parents in proportion to their income.

How do I terminate child support in South Carolina?

You may stop paying child support when you receive a signed order from a family court judge ending your responsibility to pay child support. You can request to stop your child support payments because your child is emancipated (e.g., your child has turned 18, is married, becomes self-supporting, etc.).

At what age does child support stop in South Carolina?


How much do you have to be behind in child support to go to jail?

If the child support owed exceeds $10,000 or is overdue by more than two years, the offense is a felony that carries up to a two-year prison sentence.

What happens if you can’t afford child support?

Unfortunately, our system has flaws, and courts often assign parents child support penalties they literally can’t afford to pay. When this happens, the parent can find him or herself in contempt of court, facing consequences such as property liens, losing parts of paychecks, and more.

Can you lose custody for not paying child support?

Because child support and visitation are two separate issues, a parent who does not pay the required child support cannot be denied visitation with the child. Although child visitation may not be eliminated, there are consequences if the parent who owes child support fails to make payments.