Does Pa require separation before divorce?

Does Pa require separation before divorce?

Pennsylvania does not have a legal separation process. The date of separation is important in calculating the two-year time period that must pass before one party can obtain a “no-fault” divorce without the consent of the other party.

Can someone refuse to get divorced?

Sometimes, a spouse may be so unwilling to get a divorce, they may simply refuse to sign the papers and hope that this stymies your divorce plans. Note, however, that the court will only grant your divorce if it is satisfied that proper arrangements have been made for any children aged under 18 who are involved.

How long does a divorce take in PA if one party doesn’t agree?

Act 102, which takes effect in 60 days, reduces the waiting period for unilateral no-fault divorce from two years to one. That means a spouse will need to wait only a year before obtaining a divorce without the other spouse’s consent.

Can you date while separated in PA?

You are free to date during separation without having to worry that your social life will be used as grounds for divorce. Adultery is grounds for divorce in Pennsylvania, and if your spouse can prove you committed adultery, they can seek a divorce with fault.