How much does filing for divorce cost in California?

How much does filing for divorce cost in California?

At a minimum, you’ll need to pay the $435 filing fee to get divorced in California. The spouse that files a response to that divorce petition will also pay a $435 filing fee.

What if spouse doesn’t sign divorce papers in California?

The fact is that California is a no fault state and you do not need your spouse’s signature in order to get a divorce. If your spouse fails to file and serve you with a response, you can file a request for default against your spouse after 30 days. You can also file a proposed judgment for the court to approve.

Can a judge deny a divorce in California?

No matter the grounds for divorce or the method used to get a divorce, there must be satisfactory child support arrangements in place before a judge will grant the divorce. A judge can deny a divorce to someone who is effectively preventing his or her ex spouse from remarrying by using his or her religion.

How long does a California divorce take?

6 months