What is considered unsafe living conditions for a child?

What is considered unsafe living conditions for a child?

Being unwilling to meet your child’s basic needs for food, shelter, clean water, and a safe environment (examples of unsafe environments include: your child living in cars or on the street, or in homes where they are exposed to poisonous materials, convicted sex offenders, temperature extremes, or dangerous objects …

What are bad living conditions?

improper building construction or poor maintenance of living quarters. buildup of animal or human waste. insect and/or vermin infestations. non-functional utilities such as water, gas, or electricity.

What makes a house unfit for human habitation?

Unfit for human habitation does not mean uninhabitable. A minor defect will not in itself make a property unit, but if it causes a risk to health or safety, or undue inconvenience, then a property may be unfit for human habitation.

Which parent is more likely to get custody?

In custody decisions, mothers are more likely to receive primary residential custody than fathers. Although in the past decade there has been an increase in equal residential custody, mothers are still much more likely to be awarded primary residential care.

What are the two types of emotional abuse?

Types of emotional abuse

  • humiliating or constantly criticising a child.
  • threatening, shouting at a child or calling them names.
  • making the child the subject of jokes, or using sarcasm to hurt a child.
  • blaming and scapegoating.
  • making a child perform degrading acts.

What are signs of emotional neglect?

Symptoms of Emotional Neglect

  • “Numbing out” or being cut off from one’s feelings.
  • Feeling like there’s something missing, but not being sure what it is.
  • Feeling hollow inside.
  • Being easily overwhelmed or discouraged.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Pronounced sensitivity to rejection.

What is narcissistic alexithymia?

“Trump continues to display the symptoms of narcissistic alexithymia, the inability to understand or describe the emotions in the self. Unable to know themselves, sufferers are unable to understand, relate or attach to others.”

What is an emotionally absent mother?

An emotionally absent mother is not fully present and especially not to the emotional life of the child. She may be depressed, stretched too thin and exhausted, or perhaps a bit numb. Many of these mothers were severely undermothered themselves and have no idea what a close parent-child relationship looks like.

What is neglectful parenting?

Uninvolved parenting — also called neglectful parenting, which obviously carries more negative connotations — is a style of parenting where parents don’t respond to their child’s needs or desires beyond the basics of food, clothing, and shelter.