How do I change my last name after divorce in Virginia?

How do I change my last name after divorce in Virginia?

The Legal Process for Returning to Your Maiden Name in Virginia

  1. Fill out Virginia’s “Application for Name Change” (available here).
  2. Notarize your application.
  3. Gathering relevant documentation supporting your name change, including your birth certificate, marriage certificate, and divorce certificate,

How much does it cost to get your name changed in Virginia?

The original Petition for Change (after having Notary Certify the document); The Order; A filing fee of $32 (subject to change) will be required by the clerk. Personal checks or money orders should be made out according to the Clerk’s recommendations.

How is property divided in a divorce in Virginia?

The state of Virginia uses the equitable distribution system to divide marital assets in a divorce. Equitable distribution is not necessarily the same as a 50/50 distribution. It means dividing assets in a way that accounts for each party’s earning ability, separate assets, and role in the marriage.

What benefits do divorced military spouses get?

After divorce, the former spouse is entitled to the Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP), which is the Tricare version of “COBRA” for three years. And as long as the spouse remains unmarried and was also awarded a share of the military retirement or SBP, the former spouse may remain on CHCBP for life.

Are ex wives entitled to VA benefits?

The ex-spouse of a military veteran may be eligible for some or all of the benefits described below. Health Benefits: Former spouses maintain eligibility for VA health insurance and other benefits if they meet the rule.

What are military spouses entitled to?

Most also receive a variety of allowances, special pays and bonuses depending on things like deployment, paygrade and military job. For most married service members, those allowances include Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Guard and Reserve pay work a little differently.

How much money do military wives get?

Military spouses are eligible to receive up to $100,000 in life insurance coverage. Military members can elect to enroll their family members in this program for coverage of $10,000 to $100,000. Spouse and dependent coverage may not exceed the coverage held by the service member, and children are restricted to $10,000.

Can my wife get half of my VA disability?

VA Disability Payments Cannot Be Divided as Property in a Divorce. Federal law does not authorize states to treat VA disability payments as marital property and divide them in a dissolution of marriage action.

What benefits do veterans spouses get?

As the spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or service member, you may qualify for certain benefits, like health care, life insurance, or money to help pay for school or training.

Can I keep my ex wife on Tricare?

After a divorce, the sponsor remains eligible for TRICARE. The former spouse only remains eligible for TRICARE if he or she meets certain criteria. If not, the former spouse stays eligible up until the day the divorce is final.

Who pays SBP divorce?

The maximum amount of coverage pays the beneficiary 55% of the member’s gross retired pay. Many beneficiaries are spouses of former military members. However, a spouse loses eligibility as an SBP beneficiary upon divorce. In 1984, Congress amended the law to allow coverage for former spouses, in some circumstances.

How much is SBP monthly?

You can elect full or partial SBP coverage. Full coverage is 55% of your retired pay. DFAS will withhold 6.5% of your retirement pay for full surviving spouse coverage. That means for every $1,000 you get in retirement pay DFAS will withhold $65 monthly for SBP.

How many years do you have to pay for SBP?

30 years

How much will SBP cost me?

SBP Costs (Premiums) The SBP premiums for spouse coverage are: 6.5% of your chosen base amount, or if less, 2.5% of the first $725.00 of the elected base amount (referred to hereafter as the “threshold amount”), plus 10% of the remaining base amount.

Is military SBP worth it?

The Survivor Benefit Plan can be looked at as a good deal on “life insurance” for survivors of military retirees. It is possible to pay less and receive less (the minimum benefit is $300). Note also that SBP is considered “paid in full” after 30 years or 360 payments.

Who is eligible for SBP?

You are covered under SBP if you die while on active duty, are married, or have dependent children and have completed 20 or more years of active service, at time of death.