How much is child support in West Virginia?

How much is child support in West Virginia?

Hypothetically speaking, let’s say the total child support obligation based on both parents’ income is $300 per month. Parent A is responsible for 40% of that amount—$120. So Parent A will receive $180 per month from Parent B—$300 minus the $120 Parent A is responsible for.

What age can a child decide which parent to live with in WV?


How long do you have to pay child support in West Virginia?

How Long Must a Parent Pay Child Support? Until the child turns 18 so long as the child is unmarried and residing with a parent, guardian or custodian. Child support may be extended for up to 20 years of age if the child is attending college or a vocational program.

What happens if you don’t pay child support in WV?

If you do not pay child support, the other parent or the West Virginia Bureau for Child Support Enforcement (BCSE) may file paperwork to bring you back to court. This is called a Petition for Contempt. After hearing the evidence, the Family Court may find you in contempt of court.