Can I divorce my husband without him knowing?

Can I divorce my husband without him knowing?

The answer is no, you cannot file without him getting notice and yes, you can divorce him without his consent. Without some type of service, the divorce will not go forward. So, as I said above, the answer is no, you cannot file for divorce without your husband knowing.

Can you separate and live in the same house?

How do you separate but live in the same house? Going through a legal separation while still living with one another can be challenging, but it is certainly possible to establish separate rules to be agreed upon by both parties.

Can you claim benefits if you are separated but living together?

You can claim for benefits when you are separated and living in the same house but there are very stringent rules. You must be entirely independent financially. You must not be together as a family so no eating together, cooking each other’s meals, going out as a family, buying each other’s food, etc.

Do benefit investigators watch your house?

Benefit investigators from the DWP might watch your house. If you’re being investigated, one of the means investigators have, is being able to watch someone’s home. This could be to see who is coming in and out of the house and what condition they appear to be in.

Does my ex have to pay half the mortgage?

Yes, your ex will have to pay half of the mortgage if they are listed on the mortgage as you will be both equally liable to the mortgage lender and in the case of the mortgage being defaulted then the mortgage lender will come after the both of you for the mortgage balance plus any costs.

Can DWP watch you?

If you’re claiming unemployment benefits but are seen to attend a workplace, the DWP may talk to the owner or manager of that business to find out exactly why you are there, what work you are doing and how much you are being paid.

Can DWP see your bank account?

The DWP could check your bank accounts and statements over benefits claims.

Do PIP watch your house?

According to Stuart Miller Solicitors, benefits investigators might watch your house. They are allowed to wait outside your home in a car and watch to see who is entering and exiting the property.

Do compliance officers watch your house?

In most cases, they will be completely random checks and they will not have benefit investigators watching your house. It could be that someone made an anonymous phone call to the benefit fraud report line.