What does a judge look for in a custody battle?

What does a judge look for in a custody battle?

Evidence of parenting ability: Courts look for evidence that the parent requesting custody is genuinely able to meet the child’s physical and emotional needs, including food, shelter, clothing, medical care, education, emotional support, and parental guidance.

What triggers a narcissist?

What is likely to trigger narcissistic abuse? Any comment or action by you that is perceived as a confrontation or criticism. When your behavior does not conform to what the narcissist wants, they may feel the need to dominate you and control your behavior.

What are narcissists like sexually?

A partner with sexual narcissism may: believe they deserve sex and have a right to demand it whenever they want, even if you’re working, sleeping, or occupied with something else. expect sex in return for gifts or favors. feel perfectly willing to trick, deceive, or manipulate you into having sex.

Are Narcissists generous?

Since narcissists are very interested in social status and influence, they use acts of generosity to appear noble and kind. Some examples of this are narcissists who donate their money, goods, or time.

Do narcissists like to give gifts?

Narcissists don’t give gifts like normal people. When a normal person gives a gift, they generally think about the person that they are getting it for and they put thought and care and meaning behind every gift.

Do narcissists give gifts?

Specifically, narcissists give gifts with an eye to maintaining a relationship with the giver and to maintaining control in that relationship. You don’t get expensive gifts from a narcissist because they think you are awesome; you get valuable gifts because they want you to continue to think that they are awesome.

Do narcissists always cheat?

Chronic infidelity is common with narcissists and gaslighters. Gaslighters and narcissists are chronic cheaters. It doesn’t matter how “good” of a partner you are, or how much of your life you’ve devoted to them (because they demanded it). They will still cheat.

Do narcissists miss their exes?

The fact that a narcissist doesn’t “miss” us like a normal person would miss someone they split up with is because he doesn’t miss anybody. No one wants to believe that the person that they’ve spent a good amount of time with doesn’t miss them when they’re apart.