Can you divorce with one lawyer?

Can you divorce with one lawyer?

The simple answer is no. While it may seem like a good idea, there are reasons we cannot represent both parties. The legal term is a conflict of interest. In a divorce where the parties do not agree from the beginning, each hires his or her lawyer.

How much is a divorce lawyer in New Mexico?

This can mount up in complex cases that involve spousal support or child access. Such cases may require multiple hearings or even (in rare cases) go to trial. According to, the average cost of a divorce case in New Mexico is $10,700. This includes $8,400 in attorneys’ fees.

Is adultery a crime in New Mexico?

While some states have a legal definition of adultery, New Mexico does not. Adultery generally means one spouse has had voluntary sex with someone who is not his or her spouse. Couples may (and many do) choose a no-fault divorce, even if they’ve experienced adultery in their marriage.

Is nm an alimony state?

Does New Mexico allow alimony? Yes. Alimony, which is also called “spousal support” in New Mexico, may be awarded in a divorce case, but the burden is on the spouse seeking support to show why alimony is needed.

Is there a waiting period for divorce in New Mexico?

There is a thirty (30) day waiting period after the divorce papers are filed until the judge can sign the Final Decree. However, if there are no minor children, this waiting period can be waived by the Respondent. The basic steps for filing your uncontested New Mexico divorce are as follows: 1.

How do you pursue a divorce?

Once someone has made the decision to pursue a divorce, he or she should immediately take steps to safeguard his financial and legal interests.

  1. Gather Records.
  2. Talk to a Lawyer.
  3. Open a Post Office Box.
  4. Open New Financial Accounts.
  5. Establish Your Own Credit.
  6. Inventory Your Estate.
  7. Stay in the Family Home.

How is alimony determined in New Mexico?

New Mexico Alimony Basics Similarly, alimony is not calculated using strict mathematical equations like child support is, instead, it is determined by one spouse’s need and the other’s ability to pay, along with other factors. Generally speaking, the court will consider: the amount of property awarded to each spouse.