What does everyone need ask for and give but rarely take?

What does everyone need ask for and give but rarely take?

YES! The only reason to need or ask for money is so that you can give it away. You give money to the gas station so you can fuel your car.

What has four legs but Cannot walk?

The answer for What has four legs, but can’t walk? Riddle is “Table.”

What is not alive but can die?

1. What is the answer to I Have No Life But I Can Die? Battery. A dead battery is referred to as a discharged battery.

What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?

Riddle: What two things can you never eat for breakfast? Answer: Lunch and dinner.

What does everyone have but nobody can lose?


Who buys it has no use for it?

Answer to this amazingly interesting Who Makes It, Has No Need Of It. Who Buys It, Has No Use For It. Who Uses It Can Neither See Nor Feel It. Riddle is Coffin.

What is easy to get in and hard to get out?

The answer for What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of? Riddle is “Trouble.”

What answer can you never answer yes to?

What question can you never honestly answer yes to? Are you asleep? (or dead, or conscious, or being silent).

What is the most impossible question to answer?

17 questions that are impossible to answer

  • Supposing God exists: can God create a stone that God cannot lift?
  • Why do we wait until night to ‘call it a day?’
  • Is ageing inevitable?
  • How does turbulence work?
  • What causes hypnic jerks?
  • How do we store and retrieve memories?
  • Why do we dream?
  • How on earth did Boris Johnson become Foreign Secretary? You’re welcome.

What Cannot talk but will reply when spoken to?

An echo is a natural phenomenon when sound reflects back to the listener with a delay after the actual sound time. When we shout and then we could hear the same sound back, that is called the echo. So it doesn’t come without one making a sound. So it is only a reply and can not initiate sound production first.

What belongs only to you but is used by others?

Riddle: What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you? Answer: Your name.