What does Muckspout mean?

What does Muckspout mean?

a muckspout is someone who uses a lot of cursing.

What does Rondure mean?

1 : round sense 1a. 2 : gracefully rounded curvature.

What is a Thrapple?

Scottish. : throat, windpipe —used especially of the horse.

What does Twattle mean?

to talk

What is the definition of a Ninnyhammer?

noun. a fool or simpleton; ninny.

What is a Crapulous person full of?

1 : marked by intemperance especially in eating or drinking. 2 : sick from excessive indulgence in liquor.

What does Smellfungus mean?

a captious critic

Is Crapulous a word?

Stupefied, excited, or muddled with alcoholic liquor: besotted, crapulent, drunk, drunken, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, sodden, tipsy.

What is Crapulent?

archaic. : suffering from excessive eating or drinking.

What does Clinomania mean?

here is up to you

What is a lush drunk?

lush. noun. Definition of lush (Entry 2 of 3) 1 slang : intoxicating liquor : drink. 2 : a habitual heavy drinker : drunkard.

What’s the difference between a lush and an alcoholic?

is that alcoholic is a person addicted to alcohol while lush is (pejorative) drunkard, sot, alcoholic.

What does lush stand for?

Attractive or Sexy

What does lush mean in America?

What Does Lush Mean? The term “lush,” in its American slang form, is a descriptive term used to describe someone who drinks a great deal of alcohol or who is drunk seemingly all the time. Origin.

What do you call a woman who drinks a lot?

drunkard. noun. someone who frequently drinks too much alcohol.

Is Lush a real word?

lush adjective (GOOD) good or, of a person, attractive: We had a lush time on my birthday. He’s so lush.7 dagen geleden

What does it mean when a woman is called a lush?

Lush is defined as a person who drinks or is drunk a lot. The definition of lush is something that is full or exists in abundance. It also is a woman with a sensuous body. An example of lush is vegetation in the rainforest.

What means distinct?

distinct, separate, discrete mean not being each and every one the same. distinct indicates that something is distinguished by the mind or eye as being apart or different from others. two distinct versions separate often stresses lack of connection or a difference in identity between two things.

Is Lush a Welsh word?

Lush. Lush is the most famous saying in Wales and I’ve even heard it thrown around by English folk because it’s a word that describes itself. Lush is a Welsh term of endearment. If you ever visit South Wales, I guarantee you’ll hear this phrase from locals.