Do public defenders do divorce cases?

Do public defenders do divorce cases?

The public defender’s office doesn’t handle divorces. If you cannot afford an attorney (and none of the legal aid places will help) find a local pro bono clinic to at least point you in the right direction.

What is free lawyer called?

What is a pro bono program? Pro bono programs help low-income people find volunteer lawyers who are willing to handle their cases for free. These programs usually are sponsored by state or local bar associations.

Do divorce lawyers do payment plans?

Many lawyers will accept not only retainers, but also payment plans. Some clients take out a bank loan, or cash an RRSP to pay for their legal work. Once the sale or transfer of the family assets is complete, they can then put their finances in order.

What is a divorce retainer fee?

A retainer fee is kept in the lawyer’s general trust account until the lawyer issues a bill for services rendered. The client does not usually have the opportunity to approve the bill before the money is paid out of the trust account.