How much do divorces cost in Michigan?

How much do divorces cost in Michigan?

How much Does it Cost to Get a Divorce in Michigan? In Michigan, the average cost for a non-contested divorce can range from $1,200 to $1,500 with court filing fees and other legal documents. If your divorce is contested the costs can dramatically increase with a base price starting at $5,000.

Can my wife sell our house without my consent?

If there is more than one person holding legal title, each owner will generally need to consent to the sale, as their signature will be required on any land transfer documents. If only one spouse has legal title to the property, the other spouse will have limited rights to control or stop the sale of the property.

Can my wife sell our house?

Selling is not your only option when you divorce or end a de facto relationship. Your other option is to sell your home. It is a shared asset and if you can’t come to a mutual arrangement, the Family Court will decide whether it’s a 50/50 split or one partner gets a larger share than the other.

Can a married man love another married woman?

A married woman may have a love life or be in a long term committed relationship with her husband and can still be falling in love with another man. So, yes, a married woman with a love life can fall in love with someone else like her best friend for a short or long time.