At what age can a child pick which parent to live with in Arkansas?

At what age can a child pick which parent to live with in Arkansas?

14 yearsChildren who are at least 14 years of age may be allowed to choose which parent they would like to live with, and courts will generally abide by their decision, provided that the parent is not considered unfit to care for the child.

How old does a kid need to be to choose which parent to live with?

While no law permits the child to choose their custody status, most California courts believe 14 years of age is old enough to express themselves and the reasons why they prefer one parent over the other.

What if child is not living with custodial parent?

Generally, a parent who does not have primary custody of his child will pay support to the parent who does. However, sometimes children spend more overnights with their noncustodial parent. This requires modification of the existing custody order to reflect the actual custody arrangement.

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in Wyoming?

Judges don't require a child to be a specific age to listen to their custodial preference; each judge determines each child's maturity on a case-by-case basis. At least one Wyoming court has said, however, that a seven year-old child is too young to have a meaningful custodial preference.