Can you find out what time you were born online?

Can you find out what time you were born online?

You might look for a birth record if you want to find out what time you were born, or where you were born, or who your biological parents are. Your official birth record might hold all of this information. Unfortunately, birth records aren’t easy to find online.

How can I see my Kundli?

How To Read Your Vedic KundaliAries is denoted by the number 1.Taurus is denoted by the number 2.Gemini is denoted by the number 3.Cancer is denoted by the number 4.Leo is denoted by the number 5.Virgo is denoted by the number 6.Libra is denoted by the number 7.Scorpio is denoted by the number 8.Weitere Einträge…

How can I find out the exact time of my marriage?

So 7th house and 7th Lord is the most important factor in predicting marriage time by date of birth. If you do not know what is your 7th house, Open your Horoscope and Check your Ascendant. Then start counting anticlockwise, and the 7th sign will be your 7th house.

What is Manglik Dosha in girl?

Mangal dosha is one such unfavorable planetary condition in the horoscope. Also known as Bhom dosha,Kuja Dosha or Angarakha Dosha, Mangal dosha happens when the Mangal Grah or Mars is found occupying the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of a person’s horoscope.