How do you deal with an aggressive divorce lawyer?

How do you deal with an aggressive divorce lawyer?

What to Do If Your Ex Hires an Extremely Aggressive Divorce…Hire an assertive and experienced attorney. When consulting with a candidate lawyer, specifically ask about his or her experience dealing with aggressive attorneys. Suggest collaborative divorce. Choose your battles wisely. Try reasoning with your spouse.

Who pays attorney fees in divorce Florida?

Typically, each party is responsible for his/her own legal fees, but Florida law does permit a court to order one party to pay the reasonable legal fees of the other based upon the financial resources of each.

Why do I have to pay my ex’s attorney fees?

Attorney’s fees are often expensive, and you may be hoping that your ex will have to pay your legal bills. However, in cases where attorney’s fees are awarded, it is often as a result of the court considering the behavior of the parties during the case as well as the financial resources available to each.

How much does a contested divorce cost in Florida?

A contested divorce generally costs between $2,000 and $7,000 in Florida[3], although divorce attorney fees will differ depending on your unique circumstances. For example, a contested divorce might cost more for spouses with children than spouses with no children.

Is cheating illegal in Florida?

Believe it or not, yes, it is illegal in Florida to cheat on your spouse. Under Florida law, statute 798.01, living in open adultery is a second degree misdemeanor and is punishable by law. Adultery can influence the court’s decisions on matters such as custody or alimony. …

Do both parties have to agree to divorce in Florida?

Florida divorce law provides a process called a ‘Simplified Dissolution of Marriage. At least one of the people involved must have lived in Florida for the last six months, and both parties must agree fully to the terms of the divorce and that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

Can you get a divorce in Florida without an attorney?

You are not required to have a lawyer to get a divorce in Florida. However, if you have questions about your case, or you and your spouse do not agree on the divorce, then you need to talk to a lawyer. The court is not allowed to answer questions about your case or to give advice about your rights.