How does joint custody work in Alabama?

How does joint custody work in Alabama?

In Alabama sole physical custody cases, the non-residential parent pays child support to the residential parent. For joint physical custody cases, a family court can award joint custody, whereby one parent is designated the primary custodian of the children and the other is the secondary custodian.

What is the difference between joint custody and partial custody?

If a parent has physical custody of a child, this means that the child lives with that parent most of the time; Joint Custody: Often, a court will award joint custody to the parents. Partial Custody: Partial custody occurs when a parent is awarded less than half of the custodial time with their child.

How can a father get custody in Alabama?

Many people believe that a father cannot get custody in Alabama. In the past, the law in Alabama favored the mother over the father, regardless of the facts and circumstances of the child custody case. This is no longer true. In Alabama, child custody is now decided based upon the best interests of the children.

Why a mother would lose custody?

If a mother, or a father, is determined to be unfit, they will lose custody of their child. More specifically, a parent may be deemed unfit if he or she has been abusive, neglectful, or failed to provide proper care for the child. …

How do you win a custody battle with a narcissist?

Keep calm and stay away. As a rule, try not to have any arguments (or even contact) with the narcissistic ex (or whoever you’re battling in court) prior to the custody hearing. Narcissists are very good at pulling you into conflict, and making you emotional.

How do you beat a narcissist in Family Court?

16:28Empfohlener Clip · 106 SekundenHow to Beat a Narcissist in Court – YouTubeYouTubeBeginn des vorgeschlagenen ClipsEnde des vorgeschlagenen Clips

Why are narcissists so angry?

The narcissist’s attempts at being seen as perfect are necessary for their grandiose self-image. If a perceived state of perfection is not reached, it can lead to guilt, shame, anger or anxiety because the subject believes that they will lose the admiration and love of other people if they are imperfect.