Where do I go to file for a divorce?

Where do I go to file for a divorce?

Visit the court clerk’s office in the county in which you live. The clerk’s office may be able to confirm that you have all of the right forms or documents and answer many questions that you may have about the process. However, the clerk’s office cannot give you legal information.

How much does it cost to file for divorce in RI?

If a case is truly uncontested, with no children and no assets to divide, a divorce will cost around $600.00 plus costs ( filing fee to clerk of $120.00 and cost to have other spouse served which is usually about $40).

How long does it take to get divorce in Rhode Island?

75 days

Does it matter who files for divorce first in RI?

It is usually irrelevant legally, who files for divorce first in a Rhode Island divorce. However, if the Plaintiff files for a restraining order or an ex-parte emergency motion, which party files first is very important! This is especially true if there is an emergency motion related to child custody or visitation.

What are the divorce laws in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island is a no-fault divorce state. This means that a fault ground is not required to obtain a divorce in RI. In order to get a divorce in Rhode Island, there must only be irreconcilable differences which have caused the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.

Is adultery a crime in RI?

Adultery is still a criminal offense in Rhode Island, subject to a $500 fine, although it’s rarely prosecuted. Rhode Island courts can consider any misconduct by either spouse, including infidelity, when deciding whether or not to award alimony in a divorce.

How is alimony calculated in RI?

Factors for Calculating Alimony in Rhode Island The court will evaluate the following factors: the length of the marriage. the conduct of the couple during the marriage. each spouse’s health, age, station, occupation, amount and sources of income, vocational skills, and employability.

How do I get a divorce in RI?

Overview of the Process for Filing an Uncontested, No-Fault DivorceFile the divorce complaint. You will need to file a “Complaint for Divorce,” along with other required forms. Serve your spouse and file a proof of service. Prepare for your hearing. Finalize your divorce.

What is a nominal hearing?

A Nominal Hearing is a divorce hearing in which there are no “disputes” presented before the court for determination and the court is only required to make determinations regarding those issues required to be addressed as required by law in order for the judge to grant a divorce.

How is child support calculated in RI?

In Rhode Island, the amount of child support is figured based on a percentage of each parent’s income, and parenting time doesn’t factor into the formula. Rhode Island uses a basic child support formula that uses parental income to determine the amount of payment.

Is Rhode Island a community property state?

Rhode Island is not a so called community property state. Rhode Island is considered an equitable distribution state. This means a judge divides the marital assets, and marital debts, in accordance with equity, or fairness.