Should I leave my wife after she cheated?

Should I leave my wife after she cheated?

Experts like Nelson agree the only reason to stay with a cheating spouse is if he or she is deeply and genuinely sorry for the betrayal and willing to work for your forgiveness. This means they show they understand the pain you went through after learning about the affair, Dr.

Do you still get half if you cheat?

Infidelity Won’t Get You More Money in the Courts Every state in the United States offers some form of a “no-fault divorce,” which allows you to cite a version of “irreconcilable differences,” as your reason for divorce. As such, your spouse cannot be penalized by a judge for cheating in most circumstances.

Do you have to pay child support if wife cheats?

“The simple answer is no, having an affair does not affect child support, but there are some exceptions,” he says. Laws do differ a little bit from state to state, Broder points out. Another factor that can play into child support payments, according to Broder, is the guilt that unfaithful spouses often feel.

What happens if my wife commits adultery?

Your spouse’s infidelity can be considered by the Court when making decisions at the end of your marriage. You should consult an family attorney. In this case, your spouse’s adultery may result in he or she paying more alimony. Your spouse’s adultery can only affect the divorce so much, however.Apr 3, 2019