What are the signs of a child being neglected?

What are the signs of a child being neglected?

Neglect signs and symptomsPoor growth or weight gain or being overweight.Poor hygiene.Lack of clothing or supplies to meet physical needs.Taking food or money without permission.Hiding food for later.Poor record of school attendance.More items…•5 Oct 2018

What are the 4 types of neglect?

But broadly speaking, there are 4 types of neglect.Physical neglect. A child’s basic needs, such as food, clothing or shelter, are not met or they aren’t properly supervised or kept safe.Educational neglect. A parent doesn’t ensure their child is given an education.Emotional neglect. Medical neglect.

What are the 5 signs of abuse?

Possible Indicators of Physical AbuseMultiple bruising.Fractures.Burns.Bed sores.Fear.Depression.Unexplained weight loss.Assault (can be intentional or reckless)

What are signs of emotional neglect?

Symptoms of Emotional Neglect“Numbing out” or being cut off from one’s feelings.Feeling like there’s something missing, but not being sure what it is.Feeling hollow inside.Being easily overwhelmed or discouraged.Low self-esteem.Perfectionism.Pronounced sensitivity to rejection.More items…•18 Feb 2016